17 March 2009

STFU or follow your own advice

I usually don't post about political news and views, but this morning, I read something so hypocritical and maddening that I just cannot let it go.
It seems that Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa just doesn't understand the World around him. He actually stated that AIG Execs should either apologize or commit ritual seppuku, "like the Japanese".


I realize that the demise of AIG is terrible and that many people have suffered tremendous loses, but a Senator pointing a finger is rich. Maybe if the Senate Finance Commitee, on which Senator Grassley is the top Republican, had been paying attention before, during, or even now, after the slide, this wouldn't be news. While it's true that AIG execs are likely some seriously greedy SOBs, Congress is just as much to blame. One would think that if you lend BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars to a corporation to effectively keep it afloat and make it a Government entity, you'd have some sort of plan in place to see where the money actually went. The fact that the Government is buying up more and more common shares of AIG and diluting it so badly that other shareholders are losing their money is ridiculous.

And the fact that Sen. Grassley used the example of ritual seppuku is simply racist and ignorant. But, he's got those midwestern, Iowa values, so he knows what's best. And he loves the PORK !!! This is the same guy that asked for $50 million from the Government to build an indoor rainforest...in IOWA!!!!

Senator, you fouled up as badly, if not worse, than any executives at the myriad companies that are taking on water like the Lusitania. Maybe the House and Senate should dig out the Jim Jones Kool-Aid recipe and have a little party. Keep writing stimulus packages and selling the country to the Chinese...that should work out just fine in a couple of generations. I think I may tell my kids to start learning Mandarin.

Senator Grassley, I have a Katana, if you'd care to borrow it. I paid a fair amount of money for it, but you are free to have one of your aides stop by and pick it up. Put you money where your mouth is sir...

Someone needs to give our Government a copy of the History of the Roman Empire to peruse.

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