07 October 2011

Simple fucks

This is Roger Hernandez. He is a simple fuck. He refused a dope test at Masters Track Nats, and got suspended for two years. Really, part 1? He posted the above picture on the intarwebs. I'm shocked that this dumbass is on the AvGas, just SHOCKED! Really, part2? Refusing the test is admitting you're a doper, and a douche. Simple fuck!

This is Joe Papp. He is a simple fuck. He's a doper. He's also a drug dealer who set up a shell company to buy/sell EPO, HgH, and (insert the Deity of your choice here) knows what else. I guess turning in everyone he knew didn't quite work out the way he planned. Begging for support on Twitter? Really? I wish I knew who to contact to ask that Papp receive MORE time on his sentence. Simple fuck!

And here's a video commentary about the Government...a legislative body FULL of simple fucks. The guy in the video? Yeah, he's probably brighter, and definitely has a better grasp of the gravity of the situation than 99.5% of those who live inside The Beltway.


I rode this morning. 2 hours on the CX bike. A couple of really fruitful efforts, one really freaking stung.
On the way back in, I discovered that SCANA (SCE&G) is ostensibly giving a portion of their land off of 12th. St. to the City of West Columbia. What's West Columbia doing with it? Building a public tennis center, a GIANT public park and greenspace, a canoe/kayak portage, and a paved/groomed MUT through the woods.
I will say now, with a large degree of certainty, that WeCola has their shit together when it comes to creating outdoor spaces for the public to enjoy. The Greenway is immeasurably better on that side of the river(s).
It's a damn shame that the City of Columbia, where a lot of us live, and pay an obscene amount of taxes, can't quit bickering with each other, get on the same page, and build out OUR side of the river. I know that most of the land is private property, but it's virtually unusable as commercial property because of the flood threat, and the MASSIVE sewer line that runs through it. These reasons alone should be enough to allow expansion of the Greenway, and the creation of greenspace to enjoy down by the river.
It would be cheap, easy, and maybe put some folks to work in Columbia. Instead, the City is burying powerlines, putting in sidewalks, and installing custom fabricated street lights in neighborhoods that you wouldn't walk in, much less at NIGHT!
In keeping with the theme of this post, our City Council and Mayor are ... well, you know what I'm gonna say...

Sunday ride
Corner of Greene and Laurens
60-ish miles into Lex/Calhoun
C'mon out!

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