The old design was, well, looking a bit old after these many years and posts. Something new was called for! Fortunately, the big brains at Google do most of the work. All my low-capacity gray matter had to do was point and click to choose the design and colors.
Changes are also afoot here at The Corporation. A few things are in the works, one of which being a move of the corporate HQ.
I needed to hang around to spend some time with the H.O. and Junior Management (they got promoted for Christmas)yesterday, so I did a quick spin on the turbo to get rid of some junk. The rest of my day was consumed with cross-training. Raking leaves and walking around the zoo counts, right?
This morning, CR, CW and I did a nice 90km loop out through Lexington and Calhoun Counties. My aforementioned low-capacity brain thought, for some reason, that it was Saturday, so I changed to route so we could come in on 302. Well,as the rest of you know, it's Friday/NYE, and the natives where out in force. One close call (a bit too close as CR will attest) was enough for me to roll to the front and use whatever power/fitness/speed I have and give it some stick. We ran 40-42kmh most of the way down Hwys 6 and 302... (For you metric impaired folks, that's 25-26mph)
It was a good ride, on a nice day. Next time though, we'll stick to the initial plan!
Hope everyone has a Happy New Year. Be safe!
31 December 2010
30 December 2010
GvA Loenhout
The weather looked lovely...
And I sent Crank Brothers a note to see if they'll send Nys some Candy 11 pedals...
29 December 2010
Day 3
Watch this at your own risk. I'm not prone to motion sickness, but this got me a little woogie...
Another 2 hours on the bike today...only it was on the Ridley, and it felt weird at first. It was the first ride on the road unit since that nearly infamous, partially stupid, and completely epic day. The effort here is to pack in some saddle time this week, as the H.O. is home all week, and I have another throat 'procedure' next Monday. Thus, most of next week will likely be shot squarely in the posterior.
Back on the CX rig tomorrow...
royal h disc from bryan hollingsworth on Vimeo.
Another 2 hours on the bike today...only it was on the Ridley, and it felt weird at first. It was the first ride on the road unit since that nearly infamous, partially stupid, and completely epic day. The effort here is to pack in some saddle time this week, as the H.O. is home all week, and I have another throat 'procedure' next Monday. Thus, most of next week will likely be shot squarely in the posterior.
Back on the CX rig tomorrow...
27 December 2010
It was a bit breezy out there today...

Not terribly cold, but WOW, it was a stiff WNW breeze. At least I was smart enough to go out INTO the headwind, and come back with the tailwind. Weather Underground says 12-15mph winds...whatever! I'm no meteorologist, but I've ridden long enough to know that if one is pedaling, HARD, on a long downhill, and fighting to stay @ 20mph, the wind is stronger than 12-15mph!
2 hours on 30c tires @ <60 pounds was plenty for today.
Oh, enjoy the photo...
26 December 2010
Something to look at on a dreary day...
The Muur on a snowy December day...
Merckx's hour record track bike geo. 12 pounds!!!
Wade's Posterous page and his blog, which is entertaining and insightful.
All things Big Ring.
Holds off? HOLDS OFF? Kate F'n Compton won by almost a the snow!!!
If you're a luddite, and like your cables, start hoarding parts...
Barney opens his hole once again...Mr. 60%...DB!
Dude...F.O. and go away...
Hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas...
I know I did...
Buncha riding on tap for the week, if anyone wants to join in the fun...

Wade's Posterous page and his blog, which is entertaining and insightful.
All things Big Ring.
Holds off? HOLDS OFF? Kate F'n Compton won by almost a the snow!!!
If you're a luddite, and like your cables, start hoarding parts...
Barney opens his hole once again...Mr. 60%...DB!
Dude...F.O. and go away...

Buncha riding on tap for the week, if anyone wants to join in the fun...
23 December 2010
See what I did there? was dumb...
McEwen and Hunter to Radiocrack
Speaking of RadioSmack, the rumor mill is spinning feverishly...Sastre and Menchov to RS should Geox and TMC pull out? Silly season has begun...
CR and I did a really good CX ride this morning. 2.5 hours of road, dirt, grass, mud, cold and wind. The only thing missing, thankfully was blood. We even did a bit of hard tempo. It didn't feel too bad...
I'm also working on a product review for the next update. I keep forgetting to take flipping pictures for it...
Maybe in the morning...
Anyway, this will be it until after Christmas, so everyone....
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.
To all of my non-PC friends...
Merry Christmas!
McEwen and Hunter to Radiocrack
Speaking of RadioSmack, the rumor mill is spinning feverishly...Sastre and Menchov to RS should Geox and TMC pull out? Silly season has begun...
CR and I did a really good CX ride this morning. 2.5 hours of road, dirt, grass, mud, cold and wind. The only thing missing, thankfully was blood. We even did a bit of hard tempo. It didn't feel too bad...
I'm also working on a product review for the next update. I keep forgetting to take flipping pictures for it...
Maybe in the morning...
Anyway, this will be it until after Christmas, so everyone....
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.
To all of my non-PC friends...
Merry Christmas!
22 December 2010
Who says the altitude training systems are worth it? Robbie McEwen's mates, that's who!!! Hero!
Speaking of McEwen, poor bastard can't catch a break. First, Pegasus goes under due to the lack of sponsor dollars, then he is rumored to be going to RadioSmack. Others are jumping ship to wherever they can.
I guess this means killing a bear with a pen knife is going to be included in SpiderTech's training camp...
QuickStep's 2011 kits...yawn...
And there's been a large disturbance in the Force here in Columbia. Not saying what it is, as it was likely told to me in confidence, but if it comes to fruition, you'll shit...
As for your author, I did a solid 2 hours on the CX bike this morning. I tried to search out something that looked interesting on Google Maps, but it ended up being a bust. Still did the tried and true West Cola loop. About halfway back in on Old State, I was greeted by a pack of stray dogs. They seemed to have a loose hierarchy, as the big dogs ran into the woods, and the 12 pound punter is the one who chased me. He was either the leader, or going through initiation.
Now to the ManHole(tm) to pull the BB out of the Salsa...again. The thing goes along fine for about 4 weeks, then starts creaking and moaning. At least it keeps my skills up...
Speaking of McEwen, poor bastard can't catch a break. First, Pegasus goes under due to the lack of sponsor dollars, then he is rumored to be going to RadioSmack. Others are jumping ship to wherever they can.
I guess this means killing a bear with a pen knife is going to be included in SpiderTech's training camp...
QuickStep's 2011 kits...yawn...
And there's been a large disturbance in the Force here in Columbia. Not saying what it is, as it was likely told to me in confidence, but if it comes to fruition, you'll shit...
As for your author, I did a solid 2 hours on the CX bike this morning. I tried to search out something that looked interesting on Google Maps, but it ended up being a bust. Still did the tried and true West Cola loop. About halfway back in on Old State, I was greeted by a pack of stray dogs. They seemed to have a loose hierarchy, as the big dogs ran into the woods, and the 12 pound punter is the one who chased me. He was either the leader, or going through initiation.
Now to the ManHole(tm) to pull the BB out of the Salsa...again. The thing goes along fine for about 4 weeks, then starts creaking and moaning. At least it keeps my skills up...
19 December 2010
A Winter Wonderland...
No ride yesterday as #2 was sick, so I was on duty all day. The H.O. took #1 to see 'The Nutcracker' with her parents. Both offspring were supposed to go, and I was to have the day to myself, but the best laid plans...blah, blah, blah...
The upside? #2 just has a virus of some sort...likely from the petri-dish, er...I mean pre-school. Upside #2? His illness kept the in-laws away from the house. Saturday was a push...
The plan for this morning was to go ride outside, but to be perfectly honest, I really didn't feel like throwing on 17 layers, so I rode the turbo. I'd scheduled 90 minutes. I rode 67 of those, and they were the longest 67 minutes ever. Normally, if I'm in the right frame of mind, the trainer isn't so bad. This morning, I felt like breaking out the torch and cutting the bitch up for scrap.
The cherry on this Sunday (sundae) was a trip to Lexington. They should really build a fence on the other side of West Columbia...right on the other side of the airport...
18 December 2010
17 December 2010

I mean really, who the hell is he trying to convince here, the people dumb enough to drop a deposit on a $4000 steel frame with a FIVE year lead time, or himself?
Let's be serious for a moment...FIVE fucking years? For a steel frame made out of very average tubing, by a guy who has been building what is effectively the SAME frames for years. No pushing of the envelope, no experimentation, no imagination...
That ain't ''at the vanguard" homie!
And do the math...
$4k for a frameset that's made up of MAYBE $500 worth of lugs and tubing, plus the $250 or so for the paint. That leaves $3250 for labor, welding supplies and amortized equipment costs. You cannot, for a MOMENT tell me that he's not making money! My guess is $2k-ish per frame. The production numbers are never solid, but rumor has it that between 50 and 75 framesets per year are constructed. That's $100k to $150k per year in the checking account. Yeah, he's in it for the soul of it...
If you believe that, I have a ______ ______ to sell you...
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate steel bikes. Hell, I finally found one of my personal white whales and bought it. Yep, it's a Columbus Foco tubed Jericho Nightshade CX frame. It's beautiful. The tubes are mitered so closely that the welds are imperceptible.
I also have a raging woodrow for IF. Those guys are pushing the envelope on steel, stainless and Ti. And the paintwork? Unreal!
And Hampsten...Jesus!!! They are using custom drawn MAX tubesets. Yes please!!! I may have to throw down for one of these before too long!
Oh, and if anyone wants an old school steel Merckx, Pinarello, or Pegoretti, I have it on GOOD authority that GITA in Charlotte still has more than a few floating around the warehouse.
Just my two cents...
16 December 2010
HTC unveiled the new team kit for 2011, and it's a yawner. Emilia Fahlin's ass on the other hand...
UHC finally gets some real gear...
WTF...and I mean WHAT. THE. FUCK???
The fucking guy knows he's guilty! Now he, and his attorney, are throwing out every excuse under the Sun, to see if they can create doubt. All they need is one complete asshat on the jury, and the guy walks...even though he ran over and nearly KILLED another human being. The problem? That human being was on a bike.
The new-car-smell triggered his sleep apnea? Has anyone brought up the point that sleep apnea isn't narcolepsy? It just doesn't work that way! Maybe his new Merc bored him to sleep! More likely, he was futzing around with some gadget on his new Benz, drifted over and lost control.
I'd seriously like to cut that fucking guy. I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep either!
Video goodness:
And a bit of local news. I spoke to Toby P. about a New Years' ride, and unfortunately, there's nothing in the works.
The cold weather abated this morning, so I rode outside. A nice CX ride through Lexington County. I'll take 90 minutes in 42 degrees and drizzle over the turbo any day! Speaking of, I did a double on Tuesday...both sessions on the trainer. I may have hallucinated...
A little action in the woods tomorrow cross style...
UHC finally gets some real gear...
WTF...and I mean WHAT. THE. FUCK???
The fucking guy knows he's guilty! Now he, and his attorney, are throwing out every excuse under the Sun, to see if they can create doubt. All they need is one complete asshat on the jury, and the guy walks...even though he ran over and nearly KILLED another human being. The problem? That human being was on a bike.
The new-car-smell triggered his sleep apnea? Has anyone brought up the point that sleep apnea isn't narcolepsy? It just doesn't work that way! Maybe his new Merc bored him to sleep! More likely, he was futzing around with some gadget on his new Benz, drifted over and lost control.
I'd seriously like to cut that fucking guy. I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep either!
Video goodness:
Trials. from Louis Vieira on Vimeo.
And a bit of local news. I spoke to Toby P. about a New Years' ride, and unfortunately, there's nothing in the works.
The cold weather abated this morning, so I rode outside. A nice CX ride through Lexington County. I'll take 90 minutes in 42 degrees and drizzle over the turbo any day! Speaking of, I did a double on Tuesday...both sessions on the trainer. I may have hallucinated...
A little action in the woods tomorrow cross style...
14 December 2010
CX Nats Vid...
Cyclocross National Championships 2010 from mark colton on Vimeo.
Still searching for the entire race...
13 December 2010
A new Member...

If you watched the CX Nats yesterday on the intarwebs, you saw a great race that was won by a guy who is, in fact, NAILS. Wells has been around a long time, and won a bunch of races, but it seems that 2010 was a banner year. US CX champs, US Short Track MTB champ and US XC MTB champ. Oh, did I mention that he finished 3rd @ Leadville in 6:30? Yeah, he's bad man! He's also an old man by pro dog standards at 34.
His Black Card is being sent to Durango as we speak...
As for the non-badass portion of this post, I did a solid 2.5 hours of CX bike goodness on Saturday. Went out and felt really bad, then crashed in a sandy turn, way out in the middle of BFE. It seems whatever was making me feel poorly leaked out as I laid in the soft sand on Old Wire Road. I got up, made sure nothing was protruding from my flesh, and continued on, feeling pretty damn good for the last 100 minutes of the ride.
Sunday was warm, wet and windy. I woke up STIFF from my meeting with the pre-historic beach in Lexington County, so I decided to go spin easy. One hour seemed to work out the kinks. Renick worked out the rest of them this morning...
Christmas is 13 days off...are you ready?
Oh, and if's you're anywhere close to Hoovis and his crew of misfits, get your shit together and go do his ride this coming weekend!
10 December 2010
CX Nats
The Rev clicked off a 7th today at CX Nats in Bend. After a so-so start in the 20s, he put it in the RING and left it out there! He said he went so hard that he cried for the last two laps...not by choice. Fucking strong like bull!
Friday's obligatory post
God Damn! I love Cipo, and so should you!
CONI has morning wood for Bernucci...and his entire family!
Cancellara to Riis : "it's not me, it's you..."
What BIG bike looks like! Tree Farm's Kona CX
Did a nice CX ride yesterday. Figured out a way to do a full hour on the train yard without ever having to get out onto the road. Funny part? The dudes who work in the yard are completely okay with it. Talked to the Manager and he's absolutely cool with it. Sweeeet!
So my new pulleys arrived yesterday and I ventured down into the ManHole(tm) to install them, along with a new KMC chain. Well, when I pulled the Ridley off the rollers (yes, I use them for storage), the headset was no longer operational. I'm not talking 'kind of rough' or even 'notchy'. It was frozen in position. I'm beginning to think that the jaunt around Lake Norman, in the snow, was bad for the bearings. Ya think?
So the headset got completely pulled out, cleaned and re-built. It's working again, but is going to get replaced in the next 7-10 days. Headsets for tapered steerers are not cheap, and sort of hard to find unless you know what you're looking for. That being said, almost all 1-1/8" to 1-1/2" tapered HS bikes use the same unit. If you're curious, it's a FSA CF-40. I know that your day will now be fulfilled with that knowledge.
I'm starting to think that I may just need to pull the trigger and buy some new bikes....
Oh, and TCOTBR has put it down once already @ CX Nats in Bend. Kris Walker won the Womens' 50-54 age group. Bo Pitkin finished a strong 11th in SS. The Rev knocked down a 15th in the TT to grab a 3rd row starting spot in Masters Elite on Saturday.
CONI has morning wood for Bernucci...and his entire family!
Cancellara to Riis : "it's not me, it's you..."
What BIG bike looks like! Tree Farm's Kona CX
Did a nice CX ride yesterday. Figured out a way to do a full hour on the train yard without ever having to get out onto the road. Funny part? The dudes who work in the yard are completely okay with it. Talked to the Manager and he's absolutely cool with it. Sweeeet!
So my new pulleys arrived yesterday and I ventured down into the ManHole(tm) to install them, along with a new KMC chain. Well, when I pulled the Ridley off the rollers (yes, I use them for storage), the headset was no longer operational. I'm not talking 'kind of rough' or even 'notchy'. It was frozen in position. I'm beginning to think that the jaunt around Lake Norman, in the snow, was bad for the bearings. Ya think?
So the headset got completely pulled out, cleaned and re-built. It's working again, but is going to get replaced in the next 7-10 days. Headsets for tapered steerers are not cheap, and sort of hard to find unless you know what you're looking for. That being said, almost all 1-1/8" to 1-1/2" tapered HS bikes use the same unit. If you're curious, it's a FSA CF-40. I know that your day will now be fulfilled with that knowledge.
I'm starting to think that I may just need to pull the trigger and buy some new bikes....
Oh, and TCOTBR has put it down once already @ CX Nats in Bend. Kris Walker won the Womens' 50-54 age group. Bo Pitkin finished a strong 11th in SS. The Rev knocked down a 15th in the TT to grab a 3rd row starting spot in Masters Elite on Saturday.
08 December 2010
Things to look at...

Big Ringing
Full Gas: Riding a Time Trial with Fabian Cancellara (Intro) from Halo Films Ltd on Vimeo.
07 December 2010
A few things...
I'm no Doctor, nor am I proficient in higher mathematics, but I DO know that there are a lot of angles going on in this crash that are contrary to proper neck/back alignment!

As you pull out the warm clothes to ride outside, remember, you could be in Flanders! Relish the big, bright sunshine and 30-ish degree temps! (pic by Jered Gruber)

Left the house in 27 degree sunshine this morning. Properly dressed, and in the warm Sun, it was a pleasant day for a ride. 90 minutes on the cross bike knocked down, and most of the residual stiffness from Saturday's drama has been worked out. Downside? I have a saddle sore, likely from being wet, cold and dirty for so long, and one of the pulleys on the Ridley came apart when the chain broke. Brady Bunch lesson? Don't ride superlight, aluminum pulleys! New VCRC ceramics are on the way.
7th day of Hanukah...

As you pull out the warm clothes to ride outside, remember, you could be in Flanders! Relish the big, bright sunshine and 30-ish degree temps! (pic by Jered Gruber)

Left the house in 27 degree sunshine this morning. Properly dressed, and in the warm Sun, it was a pleasant day for a ride. 90 minutes on the cross bike knocked down, and most of the residual stiffness from Saturday's drama has been worked out. Downside? I have a saddle sore, likely from being wet, cold and dirty for so long, and one of the pulleys on the Ridley came apart when the chain broke. Brady Bunch lesson? Don't ride superlight, aluminum pulleys! New VCRC ceramics are on the way.
7th day of Hanukah...
04 December 2010
Epic? Nah...
Epic is a word that has been bastardized and diluted to the point where it is almost meaningless. There are days, and experiences, that bring the word back into proper focus.
As I mentioned yesterday, I rolled up to Charlotte (Statesville to be exact) to ride with my buddy Frank and some of his crew. As my latitude headed North this morning, I couldn't help but notice that the temperature on the dash kept heading South.
Once to the meeting spot, it had settled firmly @ 35 degrees. No matter, it was overcast and dry, with zero wind. It was all good.
We headed out a bit after 9 (JM was late...) for the 4-1/2 ish hour jaunt through Iredell and Catawba Counties. The first 3 hours were pleasant and convivial. Then, it started...
First, small ice pellets began falling, increasing in size and severity as we rolled. The beauty? They were dry and bounced off. Shortly thereafter, snow (yes, you read that correctly!) began to enter the (wintry) mix. At first, it was light flurries. These light flurries had higher aspirations though, and quickly turned into BIG, FAT, WET flakes. These lovely little beasts stuck to everything...the road, the grass, our bikes, glasses and clothing.
The road quickly went from dry to very wet and a bit slick. Remember, bridges freeze before roadways...
Cold set in for our little band of merry men, which turned to downright near hypothermia. With 30 minutes left in the ride, I no longer had use of my digits, which meant no holding the bars, no standing to climb, and no shifting...just plugging along, longing for the sweet release of death. We kept passing cattle pastures, which set my frozen little mind wandering, until it settled on a very Star Wars-esque fix for the problem. If I would have had a lightsaber, a lovely heffer would have met her maker, so that I may have crawled inside for warmth.
Once that bad, and admittedly a tad DARK patch passed, we turned back into Lake Norman State Park.
Here's where I received the final cock-punch for the day...
Last hill, just make it up and coast down the other side into the parking lot. Not so much...
I reached for the shifter with my frozen fish stick of a finger, pushed the button and all forward momentum stopped. I guess the chain had enough of the shit weather and let go in not-so-spectacular fashion. Nothing like breaking a chain to end up a ride that could only be called EPIC. At least the German-made rat bastard didn't give up 40 miles from the car...what a plus!
Frank hauled ass to the truck and came back for me.
I changed clothes and headed back for Cola. Once thawed a bit, I shook uncontrollably for nearly 45 minutes. Yeah, that cold...
Rules #5 and #9 were definitely in play today.
Overall though, it was a great loop with great guys. I'll go back and do it again, if they'll have me. That being said, if it snows again, screw you guys!
As I mentioned yesterday, I rolled up to Charlotte (Statesville to be exact) to ride with my buddy Frank and some of his crew. As my latitude headed North this morning, I couldn't help but notice that the temperature on the dash kept heading South.
Once to the meeting spot, it had settled firmly @ 35 degrees. No matter, it was overcast and dry, with zero wind. It was all good.
We headed out a bit after 9 (JM was late...) for the 4-1/2 ish hour jaunt through Iredell and Catawba Counties. The first 3 hours were pleasant and convivial. Then, it started...
First, small ice pellets began falling, increasing in size and severity as we rolled. The beauty? They were dry and bounced off. Shortly thereafter, snow (yes, you read that correctly!) began to enter the (wintry) mix. At first, it was light flurries. These light flurries had higher aspirations though, and quickly turned into BIG, FAT, WET flakes. These lovely little beasts stuck to everything...the road, the grass, our bikes, glasses and clothing.
The road quickly went from dry to very wet and a bit slick. Remember, bridges freeze before roadways...
Cold set in for our little band of merry men, which turned to downright near hypothermia. With 30 minutes left in the ride, I no longer had use of my digits, which meant no holding the bars, no standing to climb, and no shifting...just plugging along, longing for the sweet release of death. We kept passing cattle pastures, which set my frozen little mind wandering, until it settled on a very Star Wars-esque fix for the problem. If I would have had a lightsaber, a lovely heffer would have met her maker, so that I may have crawled inside for warmth.
Once that bad, and admittedly a tad DARK patch passed, we turned back into Lake Norman State Park.
Here's where I received the final cock-punch for the day...
Last hill, just make it up and coast down the other side into the parking lot. Not so much...
I reached for the shifter with my frozen fish stick of a finger, pushed the button and all forward momentum stopped. I guess the chain had enough of the shit weather and let go in not-so-spectacular fashion. Nothing like breaking a chain to end up a ride that could only be called EPIC. At least the German-made rat bastard didn't give up 40 miles from the car...what a plus!
Frank hauled ass to the truck and came back for me.
I changed clothes and headed back for Cola. Once thawed a bit, I shook uncontrollably for nearly 45 minutes. Yeah, that cold...
Rules #5 and #9 were definitely in play today.
Overall though, it was a great loop with great guys. I'll go back and do it again, if they'll have me. That being said, if it snows again, screw you guys!
03 December 2010
Friday pic dump
Who do I need to talk to about employment around here?

Rethinking my stance on the whole 'fixie' thing...

The Joy of Cycling

Going to Char tomorrow to ride with @pedal_junky and his crew. Should be a good time. We're rolling out of Lake Norman State Park (mountain bike trailhead lot) @ 0900. 75-80 @ base pace. If you read this, and are close by, feel free to join us!
Oh, and GO COCKS!

Rethinking my stance on the whole 'fixie' thing...

The Joy of Cycling

Going to Char tomorrow to ride with @pedal_junky and his crew. Should be a good time. We're rolling out of Lake Norman State Park (mountain bike trailhead lot) @ 0900. 75-80 @ base pace. If you read this, and are close by, feel free to join us!
Oh, and GO COCKS!
01 December 2010
WTF do you expect?
So the UCI says it will appeal any 'unsatisfactory ruling' that the Spanish Cycling Federation may, or may not, give in Contador's doping positive. As the title states, WHAT THE FUCK do you expect? Are the Spanish going to find him guilty, give him two years and recommend that he be stripped of his Tour title? If you said yes, I have a nice piece of property out off of Bluff Road that I'll be glad to give you a nice price on. Then Bertie says he'll quit if found guilty! Don't let the door hit you in the ass...
Even the Spanish beef producers think Contadope is full of shit!
Garmin-Cervelo are at 'training camp'. Looks more like a gay cruise/retreat. I say this, of course, with all the jealousy I can muster. I'd rather be hanging out in the Caymans than listening to my children whinge incessantly about, well, everything.
December has finally rolled around, thus it looks like it may be time to actually start riding my bicycle. The cocktail seems to be beating back the headcold, so I'm on the bike tomorrow with some sort of purpose. Maybe a double...shocking, I know...
Special thanks go out to SpokeJunky for helping the Jericho build along. Looks like the SRAM 1x10 is going to come to fruition. It'll be interesting, if nothing else!
Picture of the day: "I can't make it, go on without me..."
Even the Spanish beef producers think Contadope is full of shit!
Garmin-Cervelo are at 'training camp'. Looks more like a gay cruise/retreat. I say this, of course, with all the jealousy I can muster. I'd rather be hanging out in the Caymans than listening to my children whinge incessantly about, well, everything.
December has finally rolled around, thus it looks like it may be time to actually start riding my bicycle. The cocktail seems to be beating back the headcold, so I'm on the bike tomorrow with some sort of purpose. Maybe a double...shocking, I know...
Special thanks go out to SpokeJunky for helping the Jericho build along. Looks like the SRAM 1x10 is going to come to fruition. It'll be interesting, if nothing else!
Picture of the day: "I can't make it, go on without me..."

28 November 2010
Superprestige Gieten 2010
Yes, that was Nys' bike exploding there in the sprint. He broke the spindle of a XTR pedal and the rest of the drivetrain ate itself. Rarely can one say that he/she knows a Euro-Dog's pain, but after two episodes nearly like Nys', I feel good in saying that I understand.
Nice to see that Landis is still being a douchebag. Thanks for the info Floyd! I don't think we are at all bright enough to have come to that conclusion ourselves. And shut the fuck up about Lance. We all know how you feel. Now, it just smack of desperation. Dick...
Speaking of DBs, Wiggins is smelling of the Thames lately. Maybe he should toe the line of Roubaix...and win...before giving TPhinney a back-handed compliment. And the haircut doesn't exactly help Wiggo...
This head-cold is fighting the fight against everything I'm throwing it's way. I'm slowly taking the hill, but losing men along the way. I bought a Neti-Pot, and it works, but I'd like to cock-punch the inventor after every use. There's just something not natural about pouring lukewarm saltwater through the holes in your face.
I got on the bike this morning too. It was a slow 75 minutes of heavy legs and running mucus. I'm sure it was a sight to behold. Upside? I found a new section of dirt to ride...
Hope everyone had a good weekend. Peace!
Yes, that was Nys' bike exploding there in the sprint. He broke the spindle of a XTR pedal and the rest of the drivetrain ate itself. Rarely can one say that he/she knows a Euro-Dog's pain, but after two episodes nearly like Nys', I feel good in saying that I understand.
Nice to see that Landis is still being a douchebag. Thanks for the info Floyd! I don't think we are at all bright enough to have come to that conclusion ourselves. And shut the fuck up about Lance. We all know how you feel. Now, it just smack of desperation. Dick...
Speaking of DBs, Wiggins is smelling of the Thames lately. Maybe he should toe the line of Roubaix...and win...before giving TPhinney a back-handed compliment. And the haircut doesn't exactly help Wiggo...
This head-cold is fighting the fight against everything I'm throwing it's way. I'm slowly taking the hill, but losing men along the way. I bought a Neti-Pot, and it works, but I'd like to cock-punch the inventor after every use. There's just something not natural about pouring lukewarm saltwater through the holes in your face.
I got on the bike this morning too. It was a slow 75 minutes of heavy legs and running mucus. I'm sure it was a sight to behold. Upside? I found a new section of dirt to ride...
Hope everyone had a good weekend. Peace!
27 November 2010
I got sand in places....
Definitely not good for the drivetrain...
Katie Fn Compton destroyed the Women's field...looking for video...
26 November 2010
Update update...
An update to Saturday's Shimano tech tip...
In error, I said that the new Shimano XT Shadow 10 speed rear derailleur will not work with STI shifters. Well, it seems that NONE of the Shadow rear derailleurs will work with STI.
We got the '9 speed' XT Shadow to shift, but it was sluggish at best, and hung in just about every gear, going up, or down, the cogset.
A call to Shimano revealed that the geometry of the Shadow stuff is different (very SRAM-like), thus the cable pull ratios are not the same as road, or non-Shadow mechs.
I got tired of futzing with it, and threw a mid-cage Ultegra 6700 on the Salsa. Guess what? It shifts like butta. A little B-tension adjustment and a slightly shorter chain should take care of the slap issues. Let's hope this one lasts longer than 4 the last.
Pat and I did a nice ride yesterday on the cross bikes. 2.5 hours out through W. Cola. and back to Heathwood, hitting all the dirt there was along the way. My head cold was playing havoc, so any sort of effort sent my HR through the roof, so just rolling it over had to be enough.
Oh, and here's the elevation profile for the Calhoun County loop...
2500ft. of ascent in 95km. It's no loop around Tryon, but gives you just about anything you'd need on a 3 hour ride.
In error, I said that the new Shimano XT Shadow 10 speed rear derailleur will not work with STI shifters. Well, it seems that NONE of the Shadow rear derailleurs will work with STI.
We got the '9 speed' XT Shadow to shift, but it was sluggish at best, and hung in just about every gear, going up, or down, the cogset.
A call to Shimano revealed that the geometry of the Shadow stuff is different (very SRAM-like), thus the cable pull ratios are not the same as road, or non-Shadow mechs.
I got tired of futzing with it, and threw a mid-cage Ultegra 6700 on the Salsa. Guess what? It shifts like butta. A little B-tension adjustment and a slightly shorter chain should take care of the slap issues. Let's hope this one lasts longer than 4 the last.
Pat and I did a nice ride yesterday on the cross bikes. 2.5 hours out through W. Cola. and back to Heathwood, hitting all the dirt there was along the way. My head cold was playing havoc, so any sort of effort sent my HR through the roof, so just rolling it over had to be enough.
Oh, and here's the elevation profile for the Calhoun County loop...

24 November 2010

The Salsa will be back on the (dirt) road this afternoon. An exploration ride is on tap for tomorrow morning. I hope everyone has a Happy Turkey Day.
21 November 2010
Great course! Promoters, watch this video and you'll see how to put together a CX loop!
20 November 2010
Euro cross Saturday
Watch for the spectacular crash @ 11:35...
Did a nice 100km through Calhoun County a nice little group of folks this morning. Made the effort to stay on the front for the entire ride...and did. I guess it's supposed to be good for you or something. I do, however, feel a huge pang of guilt for making the group take a little dirt detour, during which a Colnago with brand new Record 11 hit the ground. So...So sorry!
Saturday Shimano Tech Tip: The NEW XT 10 speed mountain bike rear derailleur will NOT work with 10 speed road levers. The cable pull is different. It only took Shrews and I a combined 2-1/2 hours to figure this out. Of course, it probably should have taken the 90 seconds it took for me to look up the Shimano Tech Docs online...#dumbass
The cross bike is out of commission until Wednesday now. Live and learn...
19 November 2010
The Phoenix
I cannot say enough about Chain Reaction Cycles!! These guys are located in Northern Ireland and have some of the best pricing and fastest shipping around, and that includes the normal American outlets.
I ordered a XT Shadow 10 speed rear derailleur last Thursday morning. It hit my doorstep this morning. 7 days to get from the UK to South Carolina! That's faster than the last thing I ordered from Performance, and those morons are 3-1/2 hours from here!!!
The Salsa will return to it's intended form (2x10 drivetrain) tonight. Yep, I went back to the well with the MTB rear mech. I ran a XT R/D on the thing for 4 years without so much as a hiccup. The change to Ultegra road stuff saw two derailleurs get summarily destroyed with 6 weeks of one another, so back to the slightly heavier, but more robust parts for me.
I did ride the Salsa setup with a Surly Singleator
, but that single 40km ride made it clear that SS just is not for me. Shifting gears is too ingrained in my addled little brain to adapt to the lack of ability to shift. I thought about shifting about 73 times, and tried to shift about 27 times. Number of times it worked? ZERO!
No racing for me until December either. My GI Doc forbade me from toeing the line until he figures out why my throat is swelling some days, and perfectly fine on others. It's money out of my pocket either way...
To the guys racing in Hendersonville this weekend, kick some ass...
Have a good weekend everyone!
I ordered a XT Shadow 10 speed rear derailleur last Thursday morning. It hit my doorstep this morning. 7 days to get from the UK to South Carolina! That's faster than the last thing I ordered from Performance, and those morons are 3-1/2 hours from here!!!
The Salsa will return to it's intended form (2x10 drivetrain) tonight. Yep, I went back to the well with the MTB rear mech. I ran a XT R/D on the thing for 4 years without so much as a hiccup. The change to Ultegra road stuff saw two derailleurs get summarily destroyed with 6 weeks of one another, so back to the slightly heavier, but more robust parts for me.
I did ride the Salsa setup with a Surly Singleator
, but that single 40km ride made it clear that SS just is not for me. Shifting gears is too ingrained in my addled little brain to adapt to the lack of ability to shift. I thought about shifting about 73 times, and tried to shift about 27 times. Number of times it worked? ZERO!
No racing for me until December either. My GI Doc forbade me from toeing the line until he figures out why my throat is swelling some days, and perfectly fine on others. It's money out of my pocket either way...
To the guys racing in Hendersonville this weekend, kick some ass...
Have a good weekend everyone!
17 November 2010
What being the best looks like...
Danny MacAskill is, in fact, a bad man.
Back on the horse this morning. I'm single parenting this week and need some fresh air to clear my little mind. SSCX is getting the call this morning...
16 November 2010
A Reluctant Hero
I know this is a 'bike related' blog, and it's a bit of a goof. Some people come here and take it for what it's worth, while some completely over-react and get their panties scrunched. That's sort of the point, and the beauty of it.
What follows is a story that should be told and that everyone should know, both for the small picture, as well as the the much larger tapestry that is woven by the thousands of small pictures that are produced every day.
Sal Giunta is a 25 year old Army Staff Sergeant. He is alive and currently stationed in Italy. He is receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor today.
The following video tells SSgt. Giunta's story, but not all of it.
In the time since this story was produced by Sebastian Junger, it has come to light that the entire Taliban operation against Giunta's platoon was an effort to capture an American soldier. Sal Giunta, and the rest of his team, raced into the unknown black of night, to ensure that Sgt. Joshua Brennan did not become a statistic and propaganda tool for the Taliban. They ran headlong into a hail of bullets to bring their friend back. Would you do the same?
I know we joke around, and thump our collective chest about what badasses we may, or may not be, but Sal Giunta, and the rest of the guys who are currently on the ground in "The 'Stan" are truly badass, and heroes all. No matter what you think of the War itself, never question the dedication of the soldiers tasked to carry it out!
Think about this during your dry, warm, comfortable day...
What follows is a story that should be told and that everyone should know, both for the small picture, as well as the the much larger tapestry that is woven by the thousands of small pictures that are produced every day.
Sal Giunta is a 25 year old Army Staff Sergeant. He is alive and currently stationed in Italy. He is receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor today.
The following video tells SSgt. Giunta's story, but not all of it.
The Sal Giunta Story from Sebastian Junger on Vimeo.
In the time since this story was produced by Sebastian Junger, it has come to light that the entire Taliban operation against Giunta's platoon was an effort to capture an American soldier. Sal Giunta, and the rest of his team, raced into the unknown black of night, to ensure that Sgt. Joshua Brennan did not become a statistic and propaganda tool for the Taliban. They ran headlong into a hail of bullets to bring their friend back. Would you do the same?
I know we joke around, and thump our collective chest about what badasses we may, or may not be, but Sal Giunta, and the rest of the guys who are currently on the ground in "The 'Stan" are truly badass, and heroes all. No matter what you think of the War itself, never question the dedication of the soldiers tasked to carry it out!
Think about this during your dry, warm, comfortable day...
15 November 2010
New week

And Wells is no longer in showroom condition. Sometimes bunnyhop good...sometimes bunnyhop no good! If you listen closely, you can hear the little birds chirping as they fly around his melon!
A nice 55km rolled under the wheels this morning. I made zero effort to go fast, yet somehow just rolled along easily at 32-35kmh. The weather is nearly perfect out there today, so if you have the opportunity to throw a leg over the TT, do it! 60 degrees, overcast and ZERO wind.
14 November 2010
Sloppy of Nys?
Hard men, all of them!
The Salsa got turned into a single speed for the time being. I can't decide if I'm happy about it or not. The plan was to shake it down Saturday, then race it on Sunday. Well, the best laid plans of mice and men...
My meds are laying waste to my riding. I either feel really good, or like complete shit. Lately, the latter...
Good rides by the locals at all of the races this weekend! Special shout to SpokeJunky (see over here >>>>>) for his W in Charleston!
Bike on the proverbial horse tomorrow! Hope everyone had a better weekend than yours truly!
10 November 2010
A test....

Okay people...what's missing in this photo? If you answered, 'The important parts of a Shimano 6700 Ultegra rear derailleur', then you get a cookie!
After a really nice ride with MDro tonight, I went banging through a truly rough section of gravel road and, evidently, ran over an IED placed by Campagnolo. The entire rear portion of my drivetrain exploded, and I mean exploded. I've seen less damage to bikes that came off roof racks at highway speeds.
The 8 week old derailleur sheared completely off of the hanger and came apart. MDro and I couldn't even locate the inner cage and the pulleys. Oh, did I mention they were high $ ceramic units? Yeah, I'm going back tomorrow morning, in the light, to see if they can be located.
The SRAM chain was twisted 90 degrees and pulled apart at one of the pins.
Fortunately, the new rear wheel, which was rebuilt after the last incident, seems to be okay, other than having some new character. Shrews will take care of that tomorrow.
Did I mention that MDro walked the end of the ride with me? That's a friend right there!
I have a few options. I can buy a new R/D at the shop, and take a reaming at checkout. I can slap the Singleator on it and run it single speed for a while. I can hit up friends with copious parts bins for a spare, which is fine, but if this failure occurs again, I'm out TWO derailleurs.
I'll probably slap a MTB R/D on it again. I rode the fucking thing for almost 4 years with a XT on it...NO issues.
Hopefully, the shop will be gentle with me in the morning...
09 November 2010
Pic post
07 November 2010
A sloppy mess
Nys is a mudder, once again. Stybar called into the live broadcast for Mallorca...wuss! The course looked, um, challenging. Guys would crash on the one descent and slide all the way to the bottom, w/o their bikes.
Speaking of, I bailed on racing CX today. I woke up feeling punky yesterday, rode anyway, and just felt worse as the day progressed. @ 2100 hours, the H.O. forbade me from getting up @ 0530 and traveling to Charleston. I'm glad she did, b/c I've felt like hammered shit since my crusty eyes saw first light this morning. I rolled out of the rack @ 0900, which was really 1000, since the time got clicked back last night. Somewhere near 11 hours of sleep helped very little...
I'm not even hungry, so you KNOW something is wrong!
Good ride by Spokejunky this morning in Chas. to finish 2nd in the 3s. MDro rode well, but evidently ran off course and lost spots getting back on.
Oh, well, such is life. I'd rather be sick now than for Southern Cross.
05 November 2010
Has it been a long week for anyone else? Jeez...
You know that rain and wind that blew through yesterday morning? Yeah, I toed the fine line that separates hard and stupid and went out in it. 2 hours on the CX bike. It was one of those days that give you no choice BUT to go hard, as it's really the only way to stay warm. I did the normal CX loop (the 10km dirt section 2x) and brought my nearly drowned fat ass back to the house. To say I was wet and dirty would be an understatement of epic proportions. I didn't even bother to come in the house post-ride. The mudroom earned it's name!
The ride itself was highly enjoyable...even the uber-soft sand/dirt/clay/mud on Old State was good. I just kept reminding myself that it was good for me. While I was stopped at the light @ Huger St., a nice older lady did asked if I needed a ride somewhere. I explained that I was out in the shit by choice, which was met with a look that a dog gives when ones ask it a question.
No ride today. I'll go out and spin around tomorrow morning, and then wake up before the crack of dawn to race on Sunday. It's supposed to be ass-biting cold Sunday morning...greeeeaaaaat!
Bjarne Riis sure is sensitive, and a little bitter I'd say. Hey Barney, JT has something to tell you...
As the the Luxembourg team, whatever they are to be called, they have BIG money backing them! Look for Luxair, Trek and Mercedes to be on the jersey. Just sayin'...
As always, the Feds show class. Good job FBI! Isn't there a better use of Federal Agent time than strong arming a guy from Ukraine? Dicks! Hey Feds, if you're reading this, I took a piss in Lance's bathroom back in 1999 (really, I did!). I'll probably get a subpoena now.
If you don't read IF's blog once in a while, you should! Art in motion!
And here's a new site that allows you to map rides. It even calculates elevation...pretty rad!
Have a good weekend! Go out and get some! Peace!
You know that rain and wind that blew through yesterday morning? Yeah, I toed the fine line that separates hard and stupid and went out in it. 2 hours on the CX bike. It was one of those days that give you no choice BUT to go hard, as it's really the only way to stay warm. I did the normal CX loop (the 10km dirt section 2x) and brought my nearly drowned fat ass back to the house. To say I was wet and dirty would be an understatement of epic proportions. I didn't even bother to come in the house post-ride. The mudroom earned it's name!
The ride itself was highly enjoyable...even the uber-soft sand/dirt/clay/mud on Old State was good. I just kept reminding myself that it was good for me. While I was stopped at the light @ Huger St., a nice older lady did asked if I needed a ride somewhere. I explained that I was out in the shit by choice, which was met with a look that a dog gives when ones ask it a question.
No ride today. I'll go out and spin around tomorrow morning, and then wake up before the crack of dawn to race on Sunday. It's supposed to be ass-biting cold Sunday morning...greeeeaaaaat!
Bjarne Riis sure is sensitive, and a little bitter I'd say. Hey Barney, JT has something to tell you...
As the the Luxembourg team, whatever they are to be called, they have BIG money backing them! Look for Luxair, Trek and Mercedes to be on the jersey. Just sayin'...
As always, the Feds show class. Good job FBI! Isn't there a better use of Federal Agent time than strong arming a guy from Ukraine? Dicks! Hey Feds, if you're reading this, I took a piss in Lance's bathroom back in 1999 (really, I did!). I'll probably get a subpoena now.
If you don't read IF's blog once in a while, you should! Art in motion!
And here's a new site that allows you to map rides. It even calculates elevation...pretty rad!
Have a good weekend! Go out and get some! Peace!
03 November 2010
Muddy goodness!
Nys is a mudder. Watch him just flow and let the bike move around under him. Notice too, that his rear FMB is flat for @ 1/2 lap. No worries though, just ride it! I also like the fact that this race was on a Monday, and the course was surrounded by fans. Belgium has it shit straight!
MDro and I met for a CX ride last night. Nothing hard, just a fun ride through the surrounding area, including the secret spots. It was the first time this season that I've had to break out the lights. This whole 'dark at 6:45 thing' is a bit depressing. Thankfully, I have the opportunity to ride in the morning, when the sun is above the horizon. That being said, I really like riding at night. It heightens the senses, so when I come down, sleep is easy!
I suddenly want one of these too...

01 November 2010
The very moment...
For all you dillholes who believe Contadope! The signing of the contract was caught on film, or hard drive as it were...

4th day of 4 yesterday. MDro was supposed to show up for some quality dirt time, but he woke up with a headache (How is the wife anyway? I kid...I kid...), so I was Juan Solo, as usual. 4 days in a row with efforts everyday does, in fact, dull the steel a little bit. I remembered rule #5, and soldiered on through West Columbia. Off the bike today as I'm sort of tired, and the MTs are both unencumbered by the yoke of oppression that is school. Oh, they're off tomorrow too! And we wonder why we're 49th in education!

This is an actual photo of an actual road. It was taken by my friend FH (@pedal_junky on the Twitter), somewhere in Virgina. He followed the road and evidently, it's a long, winding, tailwind descent. My next time thru that part of the world, I'll ride that road...and liberate the sign!
And tomorrow, get out and vote. It doesn't matter who you vote for, just go do it!

4th day of 4 yesterday. MDro was supposed to show up for some quality dirt time, but he woke up with a headache (How is the wife anyway? I kid...I kid...), so I was Juan Solo, as usual. 4 days in a row with efforts everyday does, in fact, dull the steel a little bit. I remembered rule #5, and soldiered on through West Columbia. Off the bike today as I'm sort of tired, and the MTs are both unencumbered by the yoke of oppression that is school. Oh, they're off tomorrow too! And we wonder why we're 49th in education!

This is an actual photo of an actual road. It was taken by my friend FH (@pedal_junky on the Twitter), somewhere in Virgina. He followed the road and evidently, it's a long, winding, tailwind descent. My next time thru that part of the world, I'll ride that road...and liberate the sign!
And tomorrow, get out and vote. It doesn't matter who you vote for, just go do it!
30 October 2010
Saturday Love...
28 October 2010
Some days you're one, some days the other. This morning was a windshield day. I don't know if it was the weather (rain, wet, mud), the amount of sleep I got yesterday and last night (10+ hours), or the new wheels on the Salsa, but turning it over seemed an afterthought.
There must be a bit of Belgian blood running through my veins, as I seem to ride better when the weather is shit...
It was a #5 and #9 day today.
News you can use-
A class act says goodbye to the peloton.
Farrar gets the WC as a leadout man?
I told you so...
Think you have a good wife? This guy's is better...
Not much else doing...have a good day everyone!
There must be a bit of Belgian blood running through my veins, as I seem to ride better when the weather is shit...
It was a #5 and #9 day today.
News you can use-
A class act says goodbye to the peloton.
Farrar gets the WC as a leadout man?
I told you so...
Think you have a good wife? This guy's is better...
Not much else doing...have a good day everyone!
26 October 2010
My take
So, over the last couple of days, LeMond's daughter has been spouting off, on Twitter of all places, at Lance Armstrong and Graham Watson, and making the insinuation that Watson is part of some 'Omerta' to keep all things Lance under wraps.
Now granted, I think what Watson did was wrong. Labeling the LeMond photos with the word 'FOOL' in the URL on his website was just dumb. Images of LeMond, as well as myriad other cyclists, have made Watson pretty freaking famous, and wealthy. Bad form Mr. Watson.
That being said, Simone LeMond needs to keep HER mouth shut. She's 21 years and carries a fucking chihuahua around in her purse. Paris Hilton much?
Does anyone believe that it's above LeMond NOT to use his daughter as a surrogate mouthpiece...really? She's always going to believe her Father. Do you NOT think that he's brainwashed her into belief that everyone in the peloton is a cheater/doper/scumbag?
Simone LeMond wasn't even a drunken twinkle in her father's paranoid, jaundiced eye when Greg won his first Tour. She speaks of 'Omerta'? What's the bet she had to Google the word after she heard it from her father?
Maybe she should sit down and have a conversation with Ole Greggy-Poo concerning his rapid recovery from a shotgun blast to the chest in 1987, then winning the Tour in 1989 with 60 lead bird-shot pellets in his chest, including one in the lining of his heart.
I think LeMond has forgotten about all of the shit he jacked into his own veins during his career. Having a touch of the crazy will do that to you!
Anquetil said you don't win Le Tour on mineral water alone...
As for me, I did 10x1 intervals this morning. I rode hard enough to give myself a headache, and puke a bit during a belch. Sweet...
Now granted, I think what Watson did was wrong. Labeling the LeMond photos with the word 'FOOL' in the URL on his website was just dumb. Images of LeMond, as well as myriad other cyclists, have made Watson pretty freaking famous, and wealthy. Bad form Mr. Watson.
That being said, Simone LeMond needs to keep HER mouth shut. She's 21 years and carries a fucking chihuahua around in her purse. Paris Hilton much?
Does anyone believe that it's above LeMond NOT to use his daughter as a surrogate mouthpiece...really? She's always going to believe her Father. Do you NOT think that he's brainwashed her into belief that everyone in the peloton is a cheater/doper/scumbag?
Simone LeMond wasn't even a drunken twinkle in her father's paranoid, jaundiced eye when Greg won his first Tour. She speaks of 'Omerta'? What's the bet she had to Google the word after she heard it from her father?
Maybe she should sit down and have a conversation with Ole Greggy-Poo concerning his rapid recovery from a shotgun blast to the chest in 1987, then winning the Tour in 1989 with 60 lead bird-shot pellets in his chest, including one in the lining of his heart.
I think LeMond has forgotten about all of the shit he jacked into his own veins during his career. Having a touch of the crazy will do that to you!
Anquetil said you don't win Le Tour on mineral water alone...
As for me, I did 10x1 intervals this morning. I rode hard enough to give myself a headache, and puke a bit during a belch. Sweet...
24 October 2010
Wait, what? Are you kidding?
So the ASO, in all of their cheese-eating-surrender-monkey wisdom, are batting around the idea of removing La Foret d'Arenberg in 2011. Huh? It's been skipped three times in 100+ years, with the last time in '05, b/c they were restoring it for the race. It's like going to see Cirque de Soleil, but all of the performers are in tracksuits. Sure, it's the circus, but just not the same...
I'm not one to support lobbyists, but if there was ever a time to have one in your pocket, in France, then this is it. Send notes of support to Les Amis de Paris-Roubaix.
Speaking of things Euro, Stybar once again showed clean (figuratively) wheels to the field in Plzen today. Great course...short and punchy...
The Palmetto Trail called to me this morning. I swapped out the skinnies for the meat. The difference was a double-edged sword. On the tarmac, 700x40 tires are brutally slow. In the trail, they were sublime.
I went out to the firebreak @ MM8, cleaned my glasses, watered the fence, and turned for home. A slight deviation was made to include the doubletrack road that runs just inside the fenceline. It's fast, swoopy and pretty damn fun. The best part was the section that runs behind King's Grant*. It's nice to know that people who live in a gated community, with $500k houses, are still ignorant rednecks who just throw their dog's waste over the fence, into the Army base. Money can't buy good sense it seems...
*- King's Grant is a lovely community situated in a niche that lies between I-77N and Fort Jackson Army Base, the single largest training base in the military. A nice, quiet place to raise children....
Anywho, it was a good ride on a beautiful day, other than the poop...
Hope everyone had a good weekend...Peace!
I'm not one to support lobbyists, but if there was ever a time to have one in your pocket, in France, then this is it. Send notes of support to Les Amis de Paris-Roubaix.
Speaking of things Euro, Stybar once again showed clean (figuratively) wheels to the field in Plzen today. Great course...short and punchy...
The Palmetto Trail called to me this morning. I swapped out the skinnies for the meat. The difference was a double-edged sword. On the tarmac, 700x40 tires are brutally slow. In the trail, they were sublime.
I went out to the firebreak @ MM8, cleaned my glasses, watered the fence, and turned for home. A slight deviation was made to include the doubletrack road that runs just inside the fenceline. It's fast, swoopy and pretty damn fun. The best part was the section that runs behind King's Grant*. It's nice to know that people who live in a gated community, with $500k houses, are still ignorant rednecks who just throw their dog's waste over the fence, into the Army base. Money can't buy good sense it seems...
*- King's Grant is a lovely community situated in a niche that lies between I-77N and Fort Jackson Army Base, the single largest training base in the military. A nice, quiet place to raise children....
Anywho, it was a good ride on a beautiful day, other than the poop...
Hope everyone had a good weekend...Peace!
22 October 2010
Friday update
Well, my esophageal motility test was an absolute failure this morning. I got up before the rooster even thought about twitching, hiked my happy ass out to LexMed, sat for close to an hour, and then was physically unable to complete the test.
The probe was supposed to go through my nose and descend into the upper regions of the GI tract. Well, I've broken my nose somewhere between 2 and 5 times, depending on who is reading the X-Rays, so Fred, the huge Endoscopy nurse, couldn't feed it through.
We moved on to the effort to swallow the probe. My throat/esophagus is so damaged that I couldn't get it down. A short bit of vomiting followed. Nice way to start your day...
No test = no results = more time and testing needed to figure out that my upper GI is wrecked. Super!
Upside? When I got home, FedEx had already been to the house and dropped off MDro's new rig. 90 short minutes later, it was built, tuned and ready to get dirty.

Not bad for an off the peg bike. There are some things I'd change, but that would just add more cost to the project. Even so, it was a screaming deal from the fine folks @ Bothell Bike out in the PNW.
It's a shame that he's out of town for the weekend...
Oh, and to add insult to my overall feeling of malaise, I'm single parenting until tomorrow night. The H.O. is in Tatertown again for work. You have fun with that...
The probe was supposed to go through my nose and descend into the upper regions of the GI tract. Well, I've broken my nose somewhere between 2 and 5 times, depending on who is reading the X-Rays, so Fred, the huge Endoscopy nurse, couldn't feed it through.
We moved on to the effort to swallow the probe. My throat/esophagus is so damaged that I couldn't get it down. A short bit of vomiting followed. Nice way to start your day...
No test = no results = more time and testing needed to figure out that my upper GI is wrecked. Super!
Upside? When I got home, FedEx had already been to the house and dropped off MDro's new rig. 90 short minutes later, it was built, tuned and ready to get dirty.

Not bad for an off the peg bike. There are some things I'd change, but that would just add more cost to the project. Even so, it was a screaming deal from the fine folks @ Bothell Bike out in the PNW.
It's a shame that he's out of town for the weekend...
Oh, and to add insult to my overall feeling of malaise, I'm single parenting until tomorrow night. The H.O. is in Tatertown again for work. You have fun with that...
20 October 2010
2011 Tour de France preview & news
2011 TdF stages and preview
Didn't feel like re-writing...just click the link! Looks like it could be interesting. Funny that people all already poo-pooing it, even though it's a completely different race than in the past. Can't make some folks happy...
Hey Floyd...they really don't want you there...
I forgot to mention the Women's race in Aigle. Katie F'n Compton FTW...
Didn't feel like re-writing...just click the link! Looks like it could be interesting. Funny that people all already poo-pooing it, even though it's a completely different race than in the past. Can't make some folks happy...
Hey Floyd...they really don't want you there...
I forgot to mention the Women's race in Aigle. Katie F'n Compton FTW...
19 October 2010
(real) Old School
Think you know 'Old School'?
Well, you don't know jack! Old School is written in the lines on his face. He's seen more, done more, and ridden more miles in worse weather. He's forgotten more about cycling than we'll know.
As 'cyclists', we should all aspire to this...
Think about it on your ride today.

As 'cyclists', we should all aspire to this...
Think about it on your ride today.
17 October 2010
And how was your weekend? Mine was as the title states...
Saturday was a waste. I went to the Clemson/Maryland game. It was akin to watching, well...Clemson and Maryland. Two bad teams running around on a beautiful day, followed by that miserable drive back from the Upstate. Then Carolina pulled their normal shit. By normal, I mean the same crap that they've pulled since I started school here in 1988. Play well, win some big games, get everyone into a frenzy, then drive it into the ditch. I would rather have been racing CX in Greenville, blue-dotting and coughing up my own sick.
This morning, I woke up LATE, had brekkie with the fam, watched Stybar go horizon on the bunch @ Aigle, and then climbed onto the cross bike @ 1030. Instead of the normal stuff, I decided to hit the Palmetto Trail for a little grindy singletrack action. The trail itself is in pretty good shape, save for the plethora of pine straw, but that's the norm out there. And I'm sure there are those that still poo-poo riding out there as being "too easy" or "not technical enough", but go do it on a cross bike with 32c tires, instead of a MTB, and get back to me!
Anyway, it was a beautiful morning and the ride was sublime! The rest of the day was spent with the corporation, including a trip to the Pumpkin patch. I even got a little time in The ManHole(tm) for some bike maintenance. Good day all the way around...
Oh, here's the vid of the last two laps from Aigle. Looks like a punchy course...
And for the worst weather of the weekend, look no further than the Giro di Lombardia...
Saturday was a waste. I went to the Clemson/Maryland game. It was akin to watching, well...Clemson and Maryland. Two bad teams running around on a beautiful day, followed by that miserable drive back from the Upstate. Then Carolina pulled their normal shit. By normal, I mean the same crap that they've pulled since I started school here in 1988. Play well, win some big games, get everyone into a frenzy, then drive it into the ditch. I would rather have been racing CX in Greenville, blue-dotting and coughing up my own sick.
This morning, I woke up LATE, had brekkie with the fam, watched Stybar go horizon on the bunch @ Aigle, and then climbed onto the cross bike @ 1030. Instead of the normal stuff, I decided to hit the Palmetto Trail for a little grindy singletrack action. The trail itself is in pretty good shape, save for the plethora of pine straw, but that's the norm out there. And I'm sure there are those that still poo-poo riding out there as being "too easy" or "not technical enough", but go do it on a cross bike with 32c tires, instead of a MTB, and get back to me!
Anyway, it was a beautiful morning and the ride was sublime! The rest of the day was spent with the corporation, including a trip to the Pumpkin patch. I even got a little time in The ManHole(tm) for some bike maintenance. Good day all the way around...
Oh, here's the vid of the last two laps from Aigle. Looks like a punchy course...
And for the worst weather of the weekend, look no further than the Giro di Lombardia...
15 October 2010
14 October 2010
Okay, so when I do a product test, I usually like to ride the part I'm reviewing several times before offering an opinion. In this, however, one 90 minute ride was sufficient to deduce that I found something good.
What bits did I test this morning you ask? IRD Crossfire cyclocross tires! I've ridden and raced a LOT of cross tires, both clincher and tubular, and the tires I rode this morning are easily the best clinchers I've had under my fat rear end.

Okay, I'll admit, the white is a bit obscene (I was expecting black), but the weight and construction of the tire doesn't change with color, so what the hell.
Quick and dirty overview of the meats themselves...
120TPI (more than a lot of $$ road tires), very supple casing and tread, widely spaced deep lugs that extend pretty far down the sidewall. They went on easily by hand and roll straight and round when inflated to the proper pressure. IRD states that the tires are 32mm wide, but they measure out to just shy of 35mm.
Ride report...
I put them on my 32h IRD/White Industries wheels, put 50psi in the front and 55psi in the rear. Those pressures are higher than needed for a race situation, but I was riding on tarmac, gravel, dirt and grass this morning, so there had to be a trade-off. It seemed that the choice was correct. On the tarmac, they roll smoothly and quietly, and really didn't seem to be any slower than Michelin Jets or Kenda SB8s. Turn in was progressive and I could tell the tread was soft and the casing supple. Ride quality is softer than the two aforementioned tires at the same pressures.
Once into the trail/cross loop, they could do no wrong. Gravel passed under the tires with no harshness or drama. In the dirt, they just gripped and gripped. No sliding, period!
The wet grass really showed where IRD did it's homework. Considering these are based on the Panaracer Fire XC Pro MTB tires (and produced in Japan by Panaracer), it's not too surprising.
I did 4 race paced loops of the double secret course and made an honest effort to hit the turns hard to see if I could make the tire slide out. No such luck! They just grabbed the grass and turned. I could hear the grass tearing as the tread scrabbled for grip. The tires didn't even give up grip climbing the run-up, like the Jets/SB8s are wont to do.
I also hit a section of lumpy mud, which didn't get the chance to stick around, literally and figuratively. The Crossfires shed every speck of mud within 25m.
Overall, I can't really find a downside to the Crossfires. The color isn't a big deal, simply because the white actually didn't look terrible on the bike. It actually gives one the opportunity to color match things, if so inclined.
As for me, no racing in Greenville this weekend, as I am being forced to play the role of loving spouse, and accompany the H.O. the the Clemson game on Saturday. The upside? We aren't sitting in the stands with the unwashed masses of mulleted Clemson fans. We'll be in the SuperBox, enjoying free food and drink. It's a push...
My calf is also SORE today. I may have received a bit deeper bruise that I initially thought, but it's not enough to keep from riding.
What bits did I test this morning you ask? IRD Crossfire cyclocross tires! I've ridden and raced a LOT of cross tires, both clincher and tubular, and the tires I rode this morning are easily the best clinchers I've had under my fat rear end.

Quick and dirty overview of the meats themselves...
120TPI (more than a lot of $$ road tires), very supple casing and tread, widely spaced deep lugs that extend pretty far down the sidewall. They went on easily by hand and roll straight and round when inflated to the proper pressure. IRD states that the tires are 32mm wide, but they measure out to just shy of 35mm.
Ride report...
I put them on my 32h IRD/White Industries wheels, put 50psi in the front and 55psi in the rear. Those pressures are higher than needed for a race situation, but I was riding on tarmac, gravel, dirt and grass this morning, so there had to be a trade-off. It seemed that the choice was correct. On the tarmac, they roll smoothly and quietly, and really didn't seem to be any slower than Michelin Jets or Kenda SB8s. Turn in was progressive and I could tell the tread was soft and the casing supple. Ride quality is softer than the two aforementioned tires at the same pressures.
Once into the trail/cross loop, they could do no wrong. Gravel passed under the tires with no harshness or drama. In the dirt, they just gripped and gripped. No sliding, period!
The wet grass really showed where IRD did it's homework. Considering these are based on the Panaracer Fire XC Pro MTB tires (and produced in Japan by Panaracer), it's not too surprising.
I did 4 race paced loops of the double secret course and made an honest effort to hit the turns hard to see if I could make the tire slide out. No such luck! They just grabbed the grass and turned. I could hear the grass tearing as the tread scrabbled for grip. The tires didn't even give up grip climbing the run-up, like the Jets/SB8s are wont to do.
I also hit a section of lumpy mud, which didn't get the chance to stick around, literally and figuratively. The Crossfires shed every speck of mud within 25m.
Overall, I can't really find a downside to the Crossfires. The color isn't a big deal, simply because the white actually didn't look terrible on the bike. It actually gives one the opportunity to color match things, if so inclined.
As for me, no racing in Greenville this weekend, as I am being forced to play the role of loving spouse, and accompany the H.O. the the Clemson game on Saturday. The upside? We aren't sitting in the stands with the unwashed masses of mulleted Clemson fans. We'll be in the SuperBox, enjoying free food and drink. It's a push...
My calf is also SORE today. I may have received a bit deeper bruise that I initially thought, but it's not enough to keep from riding.
11 October 2010
10 October 2010
My leg hurts!
Augusta race talking points.
-Didn't warm up enough
-5th into turn one...dumbass crashes in turn two...still fifth.
-Guy in front of me trips on run-up. I check up to keep from stomping on him.
-In true NASCAR form, I get plowed from behind, and take a bike to the right calf.
-It hurt! The guy he ran past. Thanks man...dick!
-5th to 12th in 50m
-Struggled for the rest of the race.
-Lost more spots...right calf es no bueno!
-Finished solidly mid-pack in 19th.
Highlights of a 19th place finish?
-Didn't crash
-Wanted to quit, but didn't
-Nothing broke (parts or me)
-Wasn't DFL by a long shot
-Took a donut hand-up from a cute girl!
-Had big fun
-Watched Pat embarrass himself in front of EASILY the hottest girl in Augusta
Probably had a top ten in me, if not for being summarily disabled on lap one.
My right calf is swolled and f*cking SORE!!! I'm sure it'll feel SUPER tomorrow!
-Didn't warm up enough
-5th into turn one...dumbass crashes in turn two...still fifth.
-Guy in front of me trips on run-up. I check up to keep from stomping on him.
-In true NASCAR form, I get plowed from behind, and take a bike to the right calf.
-It hurt! The guy he ran past. Thanks man...dick!
-5th to 12th in 50m
-Struggled for the rest of the race.
-Lost more spots...right calf es no bueno!
-Finished solidly mid-pack in 19th.
Highlights of a 19th place finish?
-Didn't crash
-Wanted to quit, but didn't
-Nothing broke (parts or me)
-Wasn't DFL by a long shot
-Took a donut hand-up from a cute girl!
-Had big fun
-Watched Pat embarrass himself in front of EASILY the hottest girl in Augusta
Probably had a top ten in me, if not for being summarily disabled on lap one.
My right calf is swolled and f*cking SORE!!! I'm sure it'll feel SUPER tomorrow!
06 October 2010
Really? REALLY?
05 October 2010
Okay...I have a question. Did I fall asleep, Rip Van Winkle-style, and sleep through Fall? A week ago, I was rolling out in a sleeveless jersey. This morning, the Verge baselayer and Sockguy armwarmers were called into service for the first time. It was 53 degrees when the first pedal turned @ 0915. The North wind was a nice plus too!
Of course, we could be in Phoenix, where the temps are still licking three figures. It's a dry heat though...
Here's yet another reason why Belgium is cool...
The route for the Ronde is permanently marked!!!
"Where are we riding today?"
"Oh, I figured we'd do the last 80km of the Ronde."
And this hit the mailbox yesterday...
Thanks to Big Jonny and the Gnome! "Two Wheels...One Dark Lord!"
Of course, we could be in Phoenix, where the temps are still licking three figures. It's a dry heat though...
Here's yet another reason why Belgium is cool...

"Where are we riding today?"
"Oh, I figured we'd do the last 80km of the Ronde."
And this hit the mailbox yesterday...

03 October 2010
Thor smash...
What a great freaking finish!!!
Here's the entire last lap...
Rode 2 hours solo yesterday in the wind. It didn't matter which direction I went, I had a head/cross. It okay though, the ride was still quite enjoyable, except for the douche who gave me the right hook in West Columbia. He's now the proud owner of a Cycle Center waterbottle. The bottle jumped right off my downtube, flew in a borderline perfect arc, and sailed through his open passenger side rear window. I wish the bottle on my seat tube would have taken the initiative though, as the aforementioned bottle was full of Hammer Nutrition's finest lemon-lime HEED. On an up note, I'm betting that shit is sticky when splashed inside of a Nissan Altima.
The MT's went to The Spa, so I nixed a ride this morning to take advantage of the quiet house, and slept in. The H.O. and I went out the The Palmetto Trail and did a nice 4 mile hike instead. Not a bad morning...
The new cross wheels and tires are to be shipped tomorrow (Monday). Somehow though, I'm doubting it'll all show up by the end of the week for Augusta on Sunday.
Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Here's the entire last lap...
Rode 2 hours solo yesterday in the wind. It didn't matter which direction I went, I had a head/cross. It okay though, the ride was still quite enjoyable, except for the douche who gave me the right hook in West Columbia. He's now the proud owner of a Cycle Center waterbottle. The bottle jumped right off my downtube, flew in a borderline perfect arc, and sailed through his open passenger side rear window. I wish the bottle on my seat tube would have taken the initiative though, as the aforementioned bottle was full of Hammer Nutrition's finest lemon-lime HEED. On an up note, I'm betting that shit is sticky when splashed inside of a Nissan Altima.
The MT's went to The Spa, so I nixed a ride this morning to take advantage of the quiet house, and slept in. The H.O. and I went out the The Palmetto Trail and did a nice 4 mile hike instead. Not a bad morning...
The new cross wheels and tires are to be shipped tomorrow (Monday). Somehow though, I'm doubting it'll all show up by the end of the week for Augusta on Sunday.
Hope everyone had a good weekend!
01 October 2010
(shaking head)
Oh Lance...
You used to be a car guy. An Audi A8 W12, the GTO that Sheryl gave you, the big red Harley...
Now you've gone and joined the pious douchebags.
I know that it'll rarely get driven, simply because it's a PR stunt. Maybe you'll just motorpace behind it.
And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the 'zero emissions' sticker on the side. Sure, it uses no gasoline, but the electricity doesn't exactly come from thin air now, does it? The coal burning power plants that are making the elctricity, and the very production of the vehicle itself, put enough goop into the air to more than make up for the 'clean' vehicle...
You used to be a car guy. An Audi A8 W12, the GTO that Sheryl gave you, the big red Harley...
Now you've gone and joined the pious douchebags.
I know that it'll rarely get driven, simply because it's a PR stunt. Maybe you'll just motorpace behind it.
And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the 'zero emissions' sticker on the side. Sure, it uses no gasoline, but the electricity doesn't exactly come from thin air now, does it? The coal burning power plants that are making the elctricity, and the very production of the vehicle itself, put enough goop into the air to more than make up for the 'clean' vehicle...
30 September 2010
He's a BAAAAD man!
#4, and the only reason it's not #5 is the fact that Spartacus didn't race in '08! He'll be so heavily marked during the RR that I doubt his pre-race trip to the bathroom will go un-noticed.
Oh, and I was talking to #2 son this morning about the whole Contador affair, and he was dubious, to say the least...

The new, and probable theory...
AC was on Clenbuterol over the Winter/Spring off-season to stay lean and not lose too much muscle. He then pulled blood out to freeze and save to be transfused at a later date.
The night after the stage into Pau, he was transfused with this bag of blood. Knowing he'd be tested on the rest day, AND knowing that the half-life of Clen is 24 hours, worry about testing hot didn't enter his mind.
The next day, the other shoe fell...OOPS!
As for me...I've been cleared by the Doc to race cross, so I ventured near the cave today. It sucked pretty hard, but felt good at the same time. 20 minutes @ cruise/SST and 10 minutes @ 90-ish%. The last 60 seconds really sucked. Time to maybe start training...
Same shit tomorrow...
29 September 2010
(not so) Un-fucking-believable
The Man-Child
28 September 2010

And the next one is for all of my tri-dork friends...
Please, please, please, if you stop one person from doing this, you've helped all of us! I'll bet his T1 time was blistering though...

This morning's ride was nice. 2 days of rain, and an overcast sky forced me to dig out a baselayer and gloves. The dirt was in good shape...not a sloppy as I thought it might be. The CX bike was the right choice this morning!
Have a good day peeps!
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