Excuse me, Mr. Nys? You seem to have something stuck in your teeth! What a crazy race yesterday...
Here's the last lap...sorry, as usual, can't embed from Sporza. Wankers...
Namen Last LapAnybody have a wet-nap...or a
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you simply CANNOT trust cats! First it was sucking the breath out of newborns, now this?

No attempt at humor here. Just a completely BADASS old picture of the Stelvio. Unreal!
Now onto the show...
Good rides this weekend. Big fun, and some actual work. Shocking, I know...
Saturday met us with warm temps, and there were no "invitation only" rides, so we actually had a group. The Saturday ride is a 'paceline' affair, so it was nice to have more than four people in the rotation. It's amazing just how quickly a group working together can cover distance if no one surges, or 'attacks'. Hopefully attendance will continue to be high, as I think everyone got a little bit of work in during the course of the ride. The meat of the ride averaged right at 35kmh for the better part of 90 minutes, which ain't bad for December!
Sunday, the normal bunch rolled out into LexCal. It was 10+ degrees colder, and the effects of Saturday were likely present in some legs. I know the folks in attendance on Sunday felt it. No matter, as it was a HUGE blue sky, light wind, and warm sun. 45 degrees, schmorety-five degrees.
We mixed it up by doing what has become to 'go-to' ride backwards. Normally, we end with Fish Hatchery, as it's a nice 40kmh+ run back towards Columbia. Upon rolling out the opposite way, the realization came, pretty quickly, as to just WHY we always haul ass coming back. FH is a long, 2% false-flat drag all the way out. Not a leg breaker, per se, but a leg softener for sure.
That being said, the run from Gaston to Old Pine Plain is WAAAAY easier in the opposite.
That enthusiasm was then tempered by the climb out on Pine Plain.
The loop is definitely harder counter-clockwise.
Another 90km in the books...
Once home, and sufficiently beaten down, The H.O. made me go shopping. It must have been the haze of riding, or the lack of calories, but I somehow found myself at the mall in Irmo...a week before Christmas. I think there may have been a promise of nudity involved, but I can't be sure. I was swimmy headed. Proof of this swimmy-headed-ness? I tried to go to Starbucks...in the mall...right next to where Santa was set-up. Go ahead, laugh and call me a dumbass...I'll wait...
Upon the fruition of that beating, we headed to Lexington for Round Two.
Four generations of The Corporation loaded into "The Notorious GMC", and rolled to
Saluda Shoals for the Christmas lights. If you have kids, or old folks, it's well worth the $10.
PRO-TIP: It opens @ 6. Get there and lined up by 5:45 at the latest. We left the Park @ 6:45 or so, and the line to get in was easily a mile, or more, long...in EACH direction!!
Today is the first day of Christmas break for Junior Management, so you know where I'll be...
6 days until Santa hits the door...