02 July 2014

Good to know...

It's good to know the heat of Summer is affecting everyone else too. 
It wasn't brutally hot last night, but it seemed it was hot enough to crack everyone's collective monkey.
We went out SLOW.
Things hotted up, and the natural split didn't occur until we were well onto the first climb. Of course, all of the faux heroes rolled to the front b/c we were dawdling, so the pace went up.
I didn't do it...on the climb at least.  I cannot make the same claim for the descent.
As Il Prof and i have discussed on myriad occasions, the descent is not for coasting, nor rest.  It's for playing catchup, or forcing an advantage.
Yes, some of us DO go downhill very quickly.  If that doesn't agree with your plan, don't roll to the front. The kibosh will be put down, as it is EVERY week. You'd think people would learn.  See also : Rule #38
 And as usual, "The One who Irritates All" was up to his normal shit last night.  He's quickly becoming persona non grata.  And you might read this an say, "Well, you're just an asshole..."
To that I say, I very well may be, but when the soft spoken members of the group yell and complain, it ain't just me.
Rule #67 is the very definition of "TOWIA".  Of course, he sucked wheel, opened gaps, then put his hands on people he doesn't know to push them to close the gap FOR him, and then, after nearly 30 miles of avoiding any sort of breeze, he jumped around for the uncontested sprint win.  Bad form...
He also tried to chop my wheel last night. We had words.  If he does it again ,to anyone, he will be invited not to return.

The Tour starts this weekend, and of course, the positive tests are coming fast and furious.  Daryl Impey is today's winner/loser.  Unless he has gout, Probenecid is little more than a masking agent, used to increase uric acid output.

And Dave Millar went a little sideways about being removed from the Tour team, which I thought was great.  Vaughters is a Class A wanker, and didn't have the common courtesy to speak to Millar about the decision until AFTER it had "leaked" to the media.  Vaughters, of course, proclaimed his innocence, but as we've seen in the past, he is not above embellishment to spin a story in his favor.  I've seen DMs that prove this assertion...
Anyway, IMO, it's a mistake to leave a veteran like Millar off the Tour squad, especially if your team leader is a pup, as Talansky is...
Who would you rather leading you around France?  Millar, with 14 Tours under his belt, or Ben King, who is making his first trip?
I know my answer..."questionable form" or not. 
Vaughters said Millar had a cough.  Call Team Sky/Chris Froome...I'm sure they know a guy...

Retro Ridley Noah.  The want is strong.  Lotto-Belisol will be on these for the Tour.  If their truck gets broken into...
Here's the retro Helium...
I'll take either.  Size medium please...

And looking at the clock, it's time to go.  Errands to run...
Getting a new crown installed in my face tomorrow.  Riding might be a big ask.
The Flat 4th 50 has been moved to 0800 Friday morning.  A few of us are leaving Owen's Field Airport @ 0715 to ride over.  The ride over, and back, adds 20 miles +/-, so figure 65-70 miles total if you'd like to roll with us.

Peace and Phil Wood grease....

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