13 January 2014

Whew...that was a full weekend...

Rain, sun, wind, riding, painting...wait...what?

Can it be considered cross training if one rides for a few hours each day, then proceeds to repair drywall, prep, and paint for several hours thereafter?  I'm saying yes...

Saturday morning met us with rain.  It was 68 degrees.  Rain Schmain...where's my fender?  I headed towards The PowerStation, fully expected to be forced to turn around halfway out, as the river was on the rise.  Fortunately, no turn around was necessary.  Out and back, plus a little parking garage action, then a quick stomp up Gervais Street, across the 'hood, and home.

This was quickly followed by a whole lot of hand sanding the newly plastered dining room walls.  Two hours later, we were ready for color.  Two hours after that, we decided that the color chosen for the top of the room was crap...
...in The Beast...headed for Sherwin-Williams.
Color #2 chosen, and put on the wall.  It was the correct choice (a rich, French Vanilla tone, if you're curious), and by 9pm, part one of "Dining Room Overhaul" was complete.
My back?  Shredded.  My legs?  I have legs?
Sleep came easy...

The alarm on the Moto X chimed Sunday morning.  Is this some sort of joke?  I've been asleep for like 90 minutes.  No, It had been nearly 8 hours, but I was tired...well, parts of me were tired...
Fuck it.  Kit up and let's ride...
 50 degrees?  Sunny?  Sun's out...Guns out.  I couldn't go to Boulder for #cxnats, so I brought Boulder to SC.  Mad Alchemy on the legs, HBStache on the feet, Skratch in the bottles.  And I had to send some wattage to Bristol, so I wore the USC kit. 
 Not a bad day out in LexCo
Um, I'm no hydrologist, but that shit is HIGH!

3 hours later, I was back at home, ready to paint again.  Oh joy!
Pro-Tip:  When painting DARK colors, 3 to 4 coats are necessary for total coverage.
The bottom of the room (below the chair rail) is now a lovely, rich, pomegranate color.  With all off the white woodwork, the two colors play well together.  Only had to work for about 3 hours on Sunday...and that was only because Junior Management returned from the Lexington Field Office.
The remainder of the day was spent cleaning, and laying on Clifford...the Big Red couch.

It seems there was some bike racing yesterday...
US CX Nationals (6 hours of coverage...sift thru it at your leisure)

Belgium CX Nats (#svenness)

And two more episodes of #Svenness were released...

#SVENNESS 2.13 from In The Crosshairs on Vimeo.

#SVENNESS 2.14 from In The Crosshairs on Vimeo.

I haven't even watched the last three videos, so don't spoil it for me...GOT IT?

Time to get rolling...

Some much needed Renick-ing is on tap for this morning...

And Cody Kaiser is a better bike handler than you...

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