The rear shifting on the Salsa has been suspect for some time. The XTR rear mech is OLD, and was nearing the end of it's useful life cycle, and the chain and pulleys had probably seen sunnier days as well.
After the first very nice, very mellow, hour of my ride last night, IT happened.
A level crossing MAY have been taken at an odd angle. Too much speed MAY have been carried into said level crossing. The chain MAY have come off, gotten sucked into the chainstay, and may have ripped the aforementioned R/D partially off the frame.
Well, not so much OFF, as clockwise roughly 270 degrees from it's desired (and designed) location.
The slowing-to-a-stop that followed was not gradual. Fortunately, as damaged as my concussion-addled little brain may be, I knew immediately what had occurred. Further pedaling stopped, as to not completely destroy the involved drivetrain bits, and I controlled the forced rear wheel stoppage into what can only be considered a high-quality skid-stop. Too bad no one saw it. They would have been impressed...
I returned all of the wayward parts to their approximate locations, and decided to limp it one gear...48x16...up into was fun.
The damage?
XTR R/D? Dead. Ultegra chain? Twisted and Dead. Pulleys? One broken. Rear wheel? A few spokes now have a bit of "character". Rear Clement LAS? A NICE flat spot.
All was replaced by 9:30pm to the tune of $0. And people wonder why I keep my old parts hanging around.
The Las Cruces is now wearing a 7800 D/A rear mech with ceramic pulleys, a new Ultegra chain, and some new salmon KoolStop pads. Those were needed anyway...
I guess the new bits will get a shakedown tomorrow, as the forecast is a 100% chance of rain.
Other than the nearly catastrophic failure, it was a nice ride...
No pics of the broken parts. Bad juju...
I have a sudden urge to own a Firefly stem...

Also may suddenly have the sweats for one of these...
You want style? THIS is style.
Too much? Or just enough?
Junior Mgmt. is headed to the Lexington Office this weekend. Ergo, I shall ride a bit, and make the effort to get the dining hall @ HQ finished. Wonder if Upper Mgmt. will be a help?
Warm and wet tomorrow. Sunny and cool Sunday. Go outside and play...
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