11 October 2013


Couldn't be much nicer outside today.  AND it's Friday.  WOOT!  (God, I hate that WOOT shit...)
It was pleasant last night for the Urban Ride.  I could tell I hadn't been on the bike in four days though, and that I stood around for a few hours Wednesday night.  Ah, the drudgery that is having VIP tickets to a concert.
Schmoozing with the 'talent', which in this case was The Band Perry...

Yep...Kimberly Perry AIN'T homely...
I'm no country music fanboy, but it was a pretty good show.  Only downside?  The bass player REALLY needed to have the levels on his mic turned down.  Oooof!

Back to bikey stuff...
Fun ride last night, but felt a bit flat.  Still got 2.5 hours on the bike, and only saw my life flash in front of me once.  Special thanks to the hillybilly that cut across three lanes of Fair traffic to pull into Jaco's to park.  My rear Clement LAS now has a NICE bald/flat spot.  Bitch...
The ride dynamic was weird last night.  Some grouchy, aggro dudes were out.  And a couple of triathletes whose bike handling skills are suspect ON the road during the day, much less bombing around in the dark.  And they weren't even the ones who crashed.  Both crashes could be attributed to the old 'over-riding-one's-skill-level' storyline. 

A gaggle of us are headed to Tryon tomorrow for a 100km ride.  Looks to be about 8700' of climbing to, so it should be fun.  Oh, 12/28 cassette, how I love thee!  The WX forecast says 70 and sunny, and the leaves are changing.  Look for a myriad stills, and a few videos in the coming days.  I'm mounting the Contour on the skewer mount, so the descent videos should be interesting. 
We're rolling out of Harmon Field @ 0900...If anyone cares to join us...

My idea of a real 'fatbike'...

Pic courtesy of : Piotr Trybalski  Just a brilliant shot.


And with that, I bid you good day...I SAID GOOD DAY!!!

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