22 November 2007


Happy Turkey Day everyone. Yes, I said turkey. The pilgrims didn't eat tofu or bean salad on that first day they sat down with the Native Americans!

Anywho, it was a perfect, if not a bit breezy, morning for a solo cross/urban assault/river ride. I headed out throught the northside of town and dropped in on the river trail at the dam and made my way down the Columbia side and up to the State Museum.

I tried to check out the old trails down near the Gervais St. bridge, but it seems the lack of cold weather has allowed the bamboo and weeds to live a bit longer this year. I could see the trail go in, but I wasn't about to eat myriad spiderwebs and I didn't bring a machete wielding pygmy to hack through.

I crossed the bridge and hit the Cayce side of the Greenway, which is MUCH nicer than the Columbia side, and rode it all the way out to a locked gate. Well, there was no one around, so I'll let you guess what occured next. Let's just say, there's another mile or so of trail on the other side.

I did make a cool find too. The old canal locks are still in place on the Cayce side and surprisingly easy to access. I rode right out to the edge and looked down into the cold, emerald water. It would be a wonderful place to catch some ZZZZZZs. Very peaceful...

I turned around, rode out of the Greenway via the mini-Alpe d-Huez and made my way around to the Granby Mills section of the trail. All of the dirt trails are still there and pretty well groomed.

Alas, it was then time to make my my home, to a quiet, childless house. The silence is deafening. Coming up past the baseball stadium, I stood to climb and felt the distinctive washing that is a 40c wide cross tire going flat. I rode it all the way home and it's still holding air. 20-25 pounds, but still...

2 hours on the bike, a good ride and some discovery. Not a bad day...

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