05 August 2013

I'm back...not quite in the saddle again...

Oooof!  Yesterday's drive home from DC was never-ending.  Traffic.  Accidents.  Stops.
After 4 days of chasing Junior Management around Washington, and doing ALL the driving, I'm sort of wrecked.

I haven't ridden in a week, but my legs are destroyed.  Walking that much is just not good for you.  All while carrying about 30 pounds of miscellaneous shit in my backpack.  When you're out for the whole day, you gotta prepare for anything...

It was fun though.  I haven't been to DC in 20-ish years, and have forgotten how cool and interesting it is...

Now for the bike-related bit...

Bikes are EVERYWHERE in DC.  Hipsters.  Roadies.  Tri-dudes. BikeShare bikes.  Families who brought their own.  Rentals.  Tours on bike.
Bike LANES are everywhere.  Most are well marked, and a great deal of them are protected.  Fines for hitting a cyclist are posted on signs, and they are HIGH.  Watch your 6 when driving.
Also saw a bunch of dudes wearing Air Attack helmets while riding loops of the Mall.  Really guys?  REALLY?
No terribly cool bikes, but did see a steel Seven that was most definitely stolen.  How do I know?  It was being ridden by a 5'2" gentleman of Latin descent, and it was probably a 56-57cm frame.

Also saw one of five Wright Brothers bikes still in existence.  (Need to load the pictures).  Pretty cool, and not much different than what we ride today.  I did have a problem with the presentation of it though.  We'll get to that once I post the photo...
The Wright Brothers portion of the A&S Museum also had a copy of Wilbur's workbench.  Kinda cool...

Oh, and if you're a single male, above average in looks and intelligence, and have a modicum of good sense, you can do WELL in DC. 
I watched a "date" while waiting on some to-go food.  The girl was a HARD 8/10, and the guy was definitely a "bro".  She ate quietly, while he surfed is iPhone.  I just shook my head, gathered my food, and walked away.

Going to try to spin for a bit tonight.  Need to loosen up a bit.
Definitely on the bike tomorrow night...

Here's something that got passed my way on FB this morning...
Probably one of the best helmet cam videos of a crit you'll see...

Okay...it's 11:15, and I haven't showered yet.  You drive to DC with 3 kids under 8, spend four days walking around (I should have worn a pedometer), then drive back.  When you have done this, then you can judge... :)

Back to regularly scheduled stupidity tomorrow...or later today, if I get the pictures of the bike loaded...

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