29 July 2013


Didn't really feel like riding with the group this weekend, so I didn't.  Didin't feel like riding the road bike either.  So I didn't...

The CX bike got the call both days.  Did roughly the same loop Saturday and Sunday.  It's kind of amazing/crazy just how the complexion of my favorite stretch of dirt changes from day to day.
Saturday, it was wet, soft, and a bit muddy.  24 hours later, the surface was hard packed, largely dry, and actually a bit loose/sandy in spots.
Of course, that being said, there are still giant waterholes filled with opaque red water of indeterminate depth.  One must slow down and find a way around the periphery of these holes, lest one be thrown from the bike, and possibly drown in stagnant river water.

That being said, riding around the edge of the water, close to the woods can also be problematic.  In this case, causing one to bleed their own blood.  Doesn't look too bad, but it bleed like crazy, and is still stinging/sore this morning. 

Looks like I was oxygenated at least...
Action shot.  It looks smooth...but it really isn't right now.  The rain/flooding, coupled with the rednecks using the road as their private 4-wheeling grounds, has largely torn up most of the road surface.

I returned to Service Course dirty, soaked to the skin, and happy after both rides.

And I saw this up near campus.  A 'sharrow'?  In Columbia?  Who'da thunk it?  Of course, no one in a car actually knows just what it means, so it's merely paint on the road at this point.

I also stripped one wall of the bathroom to the studs on Saturday afternoon.  The wall was insulated, wood was replaced, and toilet re-installed.  Big fun.  Just need to touch up some paint, and throw a little caulk at it.  Also bought some paint to change the color of the walls...for the 4th time since we've lived here.  I may throw some crown moulding in there as well...

 Tony Gallopin won San Sebastian.

And here's one from the Tour I forgot about.  Merckx, Hinault, and Indurain in the five time winner car, along with some other guy who must have been hitch-hiking.
Let's examine this photo for a moment...
Hinault was always suspected of doping, as was Indurain.  Merckx was popped TWICE.  Lemond, who steadfastly maintains his innocence, received B-12 shots in 1989 that took him from being off the back in the Giro, to winning the Tour six weeks later.  Iron shots?  Suuuuurrrrre......
These guys were all welcomed with open arms at the Tour.  Smacks of hypocrisy....just a bit.

Ok...time to get the day started...Lowe's and Target on tap...

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