24 June 2013


That's French for, "I'm tired..."

TVH and I met Saturday morning and did slightly more than a loop of the Fort.  We both commented that staying in bed for another couple of hours would have been the correct play. 
Tired legs, couldn't the HR anywhere near an effective range.  We just rolled.  At least the weather was good...

Rumor has it that the Gub'ment freed up some money from their myriad failed social plans, and multiple wars, to pave Hartsville Guard.  Soon, the whole Big Loop will be smooth and paved. 

We had a nice little group Sunday.  No one really wanted to do anything other than roll around.  So that's what we did.  No attacking each other, no measuring of private parts.  Just a nice 3 hour ride out through Lex/Cal. 
Well, there was this one section...
A MAX effort chase, a catch, a counter...another catch, then a sprint @ 42mph.  That was my bullet for the day, and it pretty much hit, and killed, everyone.

 Entirely too much purple on Sunday's ride...

 Who wants to run thru the pasture with me...?

And I came home to find a stretch, albeit a very short one, of cobbles laid in front of Service Course. 

The rest of the afternoon was a lazy affair, which was fine with me.  A short nap for everyone, and then a quality dinner.  Following our healthy meal, Junior Management decided they wanted to roast marshmallows in the outdoor fireplace. 
Yes...it was 90 degrees outside.
Yes...I built a small, but seemingly hot fire.

Don't judge until you have small children of your own!

As for the fatigue thing...
Methinks a few days off the bike are in order. 

And with that, I hear #3 waking up. 
Have a good Monday!

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