29 March 2013

End o' the week

Spring Break starts today.  10 days at home with Junior Management.  My 12+ years of sobriety may be in danger. 

Good group ride last night.  The truly fast guys got away early, and stayed away.  Nice to see that Favati is back on the bike, so guys in town can see what speed really looks like.  Oh, and that National Champ jersey he was wearing as a baselayer last night?  Yeah, he didn't buy it...
The remainder of the bunch rode pretty well together, even if the efforts of TVH and Il Prof to teach the group how to ride a double paceline were akin to urinating into a strong breeze.  Some people you just can't reach.  The best are the guys who say they've ridden and raced, but still don't know to ride in the line.  Love it...
As for me...I rode okay...for a guy whose shoulder was partially separated for most of the day.  Yeah, the wing slid out yesterday.  Not much one can do other than wear the brace, and hope for the best. 
It's still out this morning...and feels GREAT!

Here's the link for those rally cool Classics art prints...I bought a couple...you should too. 

Eddy's point of view?  Perhaps.  Whoever did this video has CRAZY attention to detail...

Crazy/cool photos of Paris over the last 100 years.  Overlays of each street...history...

7-11 team photo from 1986.  Eric Heiden said you have chicken legs.  You're okay with that!  Oh, and if you don't recognize a few of these guys, save the expertise. 

And if I ever go missing, this ^^^^^^ is where you'll probably be able to find me...

And with that, I must get the day rolling.  Gotta make a couple of stops before heading to Chuck to go shopping.  The Boss and JM need clothes.  Me?  I'll continue to rock the shorts and t-shirts.  Don't hate the player...hate the dry cleaner...

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