29 April 2012

Sunny Sunday

 The proper jersey for a Sunday morning ride?  Thought so today...

 End State maintenance?  You don't say!!!

 A special picture for Junk.  They shine like frickin' mirrors...

 Riding on the moon...

 The dirt was smoother than most of the pavement around these parts.

 There be dragons...well, alligators...

 I poached a little.  Don't tell nobody...

 A little history to broaden your horizons...

I guess train dudes just clock out for the weekend?

Good 2 hours on the Jericho this morning.  Just sort of spun around.  I saw a big wild turkey hen, a big black snake, and a Kia mini-SUV stuck in the mud out on 12th.  Guess which one of these things made me giggle like a small child?
Yep, you probably guessed correctly...
What possessed the guy to think his 192hp (when new) vehicle with maybe 5 inches of ground clearance could play in the deep Lexington County mud?  For reals?  Hell, I have a 400hp Yukon XL with big off-road tires and wouldn't have even considered driving into the hole he was stuck in.  I wonder how much Tillman Towing got him for?  (I took a picture as I rode by, but it didn't come out well...dammit!)

Time to wash the dog...

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