18 January 2012

The more you know...

Today's post will be slightly educational...

So let's begin...

Voeckler is a fucking grinder. Have you pulled on the bars so hard that you rode a wheelie? In the Tour? While in the Maillot Jaune? Gotta love that guy! More heart and balls than natural talent!

Think you make a lot of power. Think your powermeter will allow you to breed watts like so many horny bunnies? Well, please allow me to kick a hole in your sky.
Ryan Trebon raced in Lieven last weekend. Here's his Garmin/Power file from the race...

TreeFarm makes Watts

Yeah, that's no typo. 485w avg. for 1 hour and 6 minutes. Did I mention he finished 22nd? What was Stybar putting down?

And finally, Michael Barry gives us all a bit of perspective. Much could be learned from this article.

The Group Ride

Pros get it, why can juggleheaded Cat 4s?

Have a good Hump Day!

1 comment:

Velocodger said...

Amen to that!