02 August 2011

Rides are done for a few days

It seems the H.O. has made it to the finish line, or will in about 18-ish hours, in the great baby race. This means I will be on family duty for the next 3 or 4 days.
Thus, I have been on the bike the past two mornings.

Monday a.m. : CX ride on the double secret dirt loop. Rode hard, put away wet. Second ride of the morning was with the M.T.s to get them used to their new bikes. #1 got a 20" Specialized Hotrock for his birthday, and #2 got bumped up the the 16" Specialized Hotrock. Both handled themselves with aplomb in their maiden voyages on the new whips.

This morning, I did 2/3 of the Iron Cross on the Fort, and just enjoyed the sunshine and quiet.

The only noise other than high dollar Italian rubber on tarmac, and the mechanical whir of the Ridley, was the small arms fire that has become de rigeur on the Army's largest training base.

It's almost comforting. After a solid 50km spin, I came home and loaded the boys up for another ride.
Second day on the new rigs, and they got thrown in the mix. Dirt roads? No problem!

An hour on the dirt in WeCola passed quickly, and without incident. My kids are harder than you!

Some rides are good for your body. Riding with your children is good for your soul! Peace! See you in a few!

1 comment:

Junk said...

<---Jealous. But their day will come.