06 June 2011

News you can use...or not...whatever...

Will someone PLEASE give this fucking guy the Breaking Away 'Team Cinzano' treatment? If you don't know what that is, watch the movie! NO SPRINTS!

Rasmussen won Philly. No, not that douche, the one who rides for HTC. Would have been nice to watch it...computer or TV. Comcast had it, but only in certain markets, and Direct TV. Good jobs guys, way to embrace the intarwebs...

Coverage of USPros was on Versus last Sunday. What a pile of shit! 12 minutes of racing with 48 minutes of BS promos and commercials. Oh, and the footage that did make it to air looked like Eastern European porn...shot on a Blackberry...with a dirty lens.

On the woman front, Tiff Cromwell leaves Lotto-Honda and heads to greener pastures. 'Not the right fit' was one of her reasons for departing. She must have gotten one of Liz Hatch's jerseys...

WADA advises Clenbutador to skip Le Tour. Cites the lack of quality beef cattle in France...and the fact that Bertie is a tool!

Good ride thru Calhoun County yesterday. The consensus was that those who refuse to ride out that way just don't know what they're missing. Good roads, actual terrain changes, low traffic, myriad loops between 45 and 90 miles...on second thought, nevermind, it's terrible out there...stay on Ft. Jackson...

TNWC tomorrow...6:30 at the spot. Let's have a big group this week!


Velocodger said...

Maybe we need another competition; the "Most Hype, Least Racing" award. On second thought, forget it, Versus would take it every time! On the flip side, kudos to Universal Sports for showing the most racing, and for deleting the commercials for those of us who pay for online coverage. Their 'On-Demand' feature means I can watch all the races I bought whenever, even a year later...and, BTW, Todd (Go-Go) and Steve are growing on me as commentators.

MM said...

People will inevitably say that the coverage was better than nothing, to which I say a hearty...not so much! Universal does a good job, both with coverage and commentators.
Hell, I usually watch the Euro feeds. It's surprising how much Flemish and Italian you can pick up from watching bike races!
Complaints ring out about Phil and Paul, but every time someone is doing the voiceovers, I find myself missing those old British codgers!

Junk said...

I've been begging the XBox developers to add UniversalSports to their IPTV offering. They talked up a bit of IPTV at E3 yesterday that starts with UFC TV and Sky in the fall. I'm hoping that UniversalSports will make the leap over and I can watch OnDemand cycling on my XBox.

MM said...

Between that, and the new Kinect option for Forza 4, I may be heading to Best Buy in the near future...