Almost looks better in black and white, eh?
And big up to CJ Sutton for taking out the sprint in KBK. Good on ya mate!
So the NAHBS went on in Austin last weekend. Lots of hella cool stuff from people who are, in fact, artists. From perusing the myriad photos available from the show, there seems to be a trend towards usable bicycles, things you drool over and want to actually own. Of course, there's always one that proves that builders sometimes have more time and money than orders...I'm talking to you Calfee...
Now, let's move on to the picture below. I know I've been critical of Sachs in the past, and those opinions stand. The 'muddy' bikes he showed in Austin sort of bother me in a different way. It's the aesthetic of the thing. The weren't ridden into the condition shown in the photograph.
The muddy was created, and then applied to the bicycles...kind of like when automobile companies fake the mud on their trucks for TV ads.

I've ridden my CX bike in every condition available to me here in South Cackalackey, including more types of mud than I can describe in this post. I can tell you, with a LARGE degree a certainty, that mud doesn't not affix itself, nor stay affixed to, a bicycle in the manner illustrated above. There's no need for a CSI: NAHBS-style breakdown of how it was done. I hope that you, fair readers, can figure that out for yourselves.
I appreciate the idea, but the execution was sorely lacking. Next time, fly Junk and me in and we'll fuck them up properly!
6 days post-op:
-feeling a bit more human
-showered for the 2nd time since surgery, so definitely smelling more human
-shaved face and legs for first time in a week...looking less homeless. It did look like someone sheared a small goat in the tub though...
-still waiting on the new Ridley (decision was made to keep it)
-Post Op appointment tomorrow
-Urge to ride is slowly returning. One more week, then I'll be on the Greenway! (rollseyes and shuffles away....)
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