10 June 2007

Slow and easy

Sometimes, you just want to ride. I don't mean a hard, fast, 175 HR, lung-searing deathmarch, but merely a ride. Not a stress relieving, get out of the house, away from the family kind of thing either.
Today, I rolled out of bed zero-dark-thirty and got my day going. I decided to get on the bike @ 9 and head out. I went past Outjokin' and not surprisingly, there was no one there for the Sunday ride. Sad really...! The Sunday ride used to be the big ride for the week. Now, the gapers and fat employees don't even show for it. Sundays will be solo days or rides that have been determined in advance from now on. No sense to even waste the time to roll up there...

Anyway, I went out to do a loop of the Fort and rode just hard enough to keep the bike upright. There were no efforts, no high HR, no lactic acid, no straining of the back...are you getting the picture? I rode SLOW and actually had a nice tailwind on the way back in.

I got home with a tick under two hours in the saddle. I had a small snack and the H.O. and I loaded the offspring into the van and headed to Lexington. My lovely mother was gracious enough to watch the kids so the H.O. and I could go to the movies and have 2 hours to ourselves. I joked that I was going to use the time in the theater to nap...even if it did cost me $6.00.
We saw Ocean's 13. Pretty entertaining flick all the way around. You can leave your thinking cap in the car for this one though.

Joel brought his frame to the house for me to pull some parts. It's trash. The crack is directly though one of the welds. I hope Litespeed warranties it...

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