People, settle the fuck down! More people die of obesity everyday, yet the Pres-O-dent isn't on TV yapping about it. There are 3 BILLION+ people on Earth and a few hundred have the piggy pox. I'll take those odds.
The local news, which admittedly sucks, did a story about BBQ joints and the Swine Flu last night. If you guys were grasping for that last straw, I think you may have just reached it! DHEC is reporting 10 'probable' cases because the kids are sick and just got back from a Senior trip to Mexico. Could it be the regular flu, or just a plain old cold? Considering they flew to a Third World country, partied for a solid week and then got into another flying incubator to fly home, I'd say they are just sick. I ALWAYS get sick after flying. Breathing other people's stale breath and germs just cannot be good for your health.
Egypt is killing 1/2 of their entire pig population, even though they have NO confirmed cases. Some 300,000 pigs are getting a bullet! The rest they are moving away from population centers. Did they miss the memo that the Swine Flu spreads through human contact?
As usual, the media and government are fanning the flames of panic. I'm waiting for the conspiracy theory nutbags to start the banter. "The Government let the virus loose to weed out
(insert a group of your choice here)."
Good God people, obesity is a pandemic. AIDS is a pandemic. Malaria is a pandemic. Cancer is a pandemic.
As for me, I ate bacon yesterday...and it was good!
Riding w/group tonight, but splitting off early. Racing tomorrow and Saturday.
The local news, which admittedly sucks, did a story about BBQ joints and the Swine Flu last night. If you guys were grasping for that last straw, I think you may have just reached it! DHEC is reporting 10 'probable' cases because the kids are sick and just got back from a Senior trip to Mexico. Could it be the regular flu, or just a plain old cold? Considering they flew to a Third World country, partied for a solid week and then got into another flying incubator to fly home, I'd say they are just sick. I ALWAYS get sick after flying. Breathing other people's stale breath and germs just cannot be good for your health.
Egypt is killing 1/2 of their entire pig population, even though they have NO confirmed cases. Some 300,000 pigs are getting a bullet! The rest they are moving away from population centers. Did they miss the memo that the Swine Flu spreads through human contact?
As usual, the media and government are fanning the flames of panic. I'm waiting for the conspiracy theory nutbags to start the banter. "The Government let the virus loose to weed out
(insert a group of your choice here)."
Good God people, obesity is a pandemic. AIDS is a pandemic. Malaria is a pandemic. Cancer is a pandemic.
As for me, I ate bacon yesterday...and it was good!
Riding w/group tonight, but splitting off early. Racing tomorrow and Saturday.

Ward's new bike is cooler than yours...
oh no his is not...
I gotta go with Ward's b/c of the Electronic D/A...
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