30 September 2008


What the F happened over at Drunkcyclist? Good Lord! Jonny used to run a blog about bikes, beer and another stuff that ran through his head. It was light and fun.
It seems that Big Jonny is in Law School now and has given everyone and his brother a login. No longer do the contents give smiles, chuckles or even chortles. Now, it's filled with too much political commentary from guys who should probably not be talking about anything beyond an 8th grade level.
Back to the roots boys...it's called Drunkcyclist, not Drunk-leftleaning-whiney-politico!

No ride for me tonight. The H.O. is out of town. I'll be out Thursday for what will likely be the last Thursday ride of the year. Saturdays still leave at 8 a.m., for the time being. Personally, I'm all for just leaving the time at 8, even in the winter. It's not like there's a huge difference in temperature and weather at 9...
Just a thought...

1 comment:

Austin said...

do you have a link to the pics you took at the tues. night crit. a fews wks ago? thanks.