16 March 2015

One week

So, whatever virus dragged me into the depths seems to be gone.
It was crappy on Saturday, so I stayed in the house. No reason to go out anyway. It was St. Patrick's Day, and the "festival" was going on in Five Points. $20 to get in. Crappy bands. No food that I could eat. And let's be honest here...
I don't tolerate drunk people well. If you're in the 18-25, it's borderline. If you're a grown person, with a job and family, and can't hold your liquor, well...
The normal Heathens met Sunday morning, and I have to say that I was a bit disappointed at the turnout. It was beautiful. Warm. Light winds. No matter...we still had a good ride.
A few roads we hadn't been on for a LONG while, including Blue Johnson (snicker).
Most people who had been sidelined for days with a stomach illness would have gone out and done a short ride. No one has ever accused me of having good sense, so I stayed out for the full 100km.
If you're gonna be a bear...
And I rode the new Vittoria Open Corsa SC 25s. When paired with latex tubes, the ride is smoother than a fresh jar of Skippy. Even at 105/110psi...which might have been a little much. Plus, they just look cool.

Jack Kane repainted this Noah. It was for sale for a LONG time...for not a lot of money. I should have bought it...

Yeah...if you don't know...

I really wish I knew how these fit, because they're badass!

Hey Boston! Enjoy your snow record. Dopes.

Tirreno finished on the Terminillo yesterday. It was cool...

Quintana. That little dude can roll it up a hill.

And the whinging began before the stage was even over.
The #fauxperts bitched that it was dangerous, and that the pros shouldn't be subjected to such conditions.
Once the stage was over, more than a few riders tweeted complaints about the conditions. Rule 5, Buttercups!
Here's an idea...
Don't like it? Quit.
Return to your home country. Get a job. Go to work everyday instead of getting paid to ride a bicycle all over the World.

And it seems Lance is going back the Le Tour...sort of....
I wonder how long it will be before the protestations begin...from all sides...? I'll give it until lunchtime today.

Ok kids, it's nice outside. Go outside to eat lunch today. Remember to take your Claritin...

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