09 March 2015

Down...almost out...

So Saturday, we had futbol @ 8:30, ergo, making the ride wasn't gonna happen. I watched the end of Strade Bianche, then went out on the CX bike. The Powerstation is a mess. Two trees down, and the washout has evolved into the Grand Canyon...with pipes.
Once out to Eastman, the decision was made to come home on the road. I did explore a dirt road that I've always wanted to ride. Turns out, Some of it wasn't dirt...
Lovely, no?
I didn't feel great on the bike, but things ebb and flow, so I didn't pay much attention to it.
The rest of the day was spent laying about. General malaise.
Up Sunday...feeling puny, but went to the ride anyway. Sometimes, one rides INTO the ride. Not Sunday. I felt worse as we went. Once to the split, I bid adieu to the group, and headed for Service Course.
I did not make it.
The wheels were coming off. Once to Old Wire, I called the team car. The Boss met me just before the overpass on 12th. I was done.
Headache, nausea, cramps...
Yes, whatever fresh hell the kids brought into the house had a firm grip on me. The consensus is norovirus.
The listed symptoms? Yeah...I had them all...
I haven't been out of the bed/bathroom for the better part of 30 hours. Joyous.
And it turns out, contrary to what my surgeon said after my stomach surgery, I CAN throw up. It's just really hard, and hurts...a lot.
As I type this, I feel like I've rounded the corner. Famous last words...

Strade Bianche

And Boonen crashed out of Paris Nice today with a separated shoulder. No Classics for you!

End of the Stage...

Wash your hands, and Lysol your houses people. You do NOT want what I've had!!

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