19 December 2014


Two fun night/urban rides in a row? Who knew? And no one poached trail...
The decision was made to out on The Powerstation again, and to keep everyone together...you know...like a group ride should be. Shocking...I know...
The dirt is in excellent condition. Smooth, pretty well packed, and pretty fast. Everyone made it through the holes, and the washout, safely. Shocking...I know...
Ricky went full Man-Beast, and moved the log out of the way. I was a little disappointed, as I was looking forward to riding out there tomorrow with my broadheaded axe in my backpack.
My excitement was more for riding with the axe than it's actual use. Imagine drivers cruising by...
"Look at this crazy dude on the bike...riding with an axe..."
We came back in, hit all of the new trails, and the decision was made to do the entirety of the river trail.
It was a good idea until Kevin lost his front tire, and low-sided on the boardwalk.
We all stopped. I stayed to help. The rest of the group went full Top Gear on us, and left.
They went on through the hood, back to Farm Bureau, and I turned around, headed up through the Vista/Campus/Shandon to get home.
Another quality, and fun, two hours in the dark.
There's something very freeing about at night. Heightened senses and all that...

And rumor has it that riding singletrack on CX bikes is coming into vogue around here...

When was it out? A few of us have been knocking it down for the better part of 10 years. No #Columbusing
for us...

Whatchu know about old school? What a pretty bike...

Scramblers are getting really popular, so why not turn a 1200 Harley into one? Hey...people call a lot of forward thinkers crazy...

DPS Skis have made a series of movies about skiing...
This one is a better movie about a dog...

The Shadow Campaign // Sun Dog from DPS SKIS on Vimeo.

We should all strive to be that dog...

The weather tomorrow looks iffy, at best. The Graduate and I are planning to go out on CX bikes. All are welcome to join.
Normal Heathen Ride on Sunday.

Only 5 shopping days left...

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