14 March 2012

Happy Pi Day

This is the way sign in at races should be. USAC could learn a few things from the Belgian Kermesse circuit!

One of these things is not like the other...one of these things is totally different.

The boy is 7 months old and already knows what tires to ride. Smarter than most 'grown' folks around here...

And Jessica Biel for no other reason than, well...it's my page and I feel like posting a shit hot picture of her!

Really good OSR ride last night. Probably 45 folks rolled out. The front group got slowly whittled down throughout the ride, but stayed together, even though it was steady and fast-ish the whole way. Il Prof and TVH both rode really well, with the latter not letting Captain Red Shorts get any more than about 6 bike lengths away at any time.
It was what a ride should be. Hard enough, fast enough and fun enough...novel ideas all, I know.

Oh, and I'm thinking of unloading my White Industries wheels. 32h/3x on Kinlin XR200 hoops (less than 400g each). Hubs are WI H1 polished. Front wheel has Sapim CXRays and the rear was rebuilt with 2.0/1.8 round spokes. Wheels were built by Tim Wellborn @ CC, who has built more bulletproof wheels for me than I care to remember. They weigh @1450g, which ain't heavy for a bulletproof wheelset.

Anyway, enjoy your Hump/Pi Day!

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