10 August 2007

And the heat continues

No ride yesterday as it was 104 with a heat index of 112. The 104 temp was culled from my own little weather station on the front porch of the house. Did I mention it's in the shade?
I was waiting to see a pride of lions lazing about under my big tree in the front yard.

It's supposed to break tonight and be a bit cooler tomorrow. Well, they're calling for it to be 94...
I'm glad we're riding at 8 a.m. now. I can't believe we actually used to go @ 10!
I'll be out in the morning for a nice 3 hour jaunt before I climb into the car and go to the beach for a week. It'll be nice to get out of town for a while.

I plan on rolling out of bed, riding for a couple hours, playing with #1 on the beach for a few hours and then laying around for the rest of the day.

Time to go start my pile of crap...

See you guys in the morning...

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