28 November 2014

Two in a row?

Yeah...two days in a row...outside...in the sunshine...
Yesterday was a pre-Turkey Day, multi-surface affair. No plan but to enjoy the ride. And I did. The ride...in pictures...
 PowerStation. (It was HEAVY!)
 Parking garages
2:15 later, I was back at Service Course, and watching Futbol. Rough morning...

KL and I met this morning for roughly the same ride. We added a little onto the dirt road section, and skipped the garages. No matter. Another good 2.5 hour ride with good company. And it was BEAUTIFUL this morning. 45 degrees. No wind. Big sun. If you didn't ride, you missed out...

Riding from Rosewood @ 9am tomorrow. Road bikes. Come join us. You may have a good time...
And The Heathen Ride is on for Sunday. 9am @ Colonial Center.

MTN Quebeka's new kits. Dig the shorts. The jersey...well...it's a little Newcastle United...
And I neglected to mention Lotto NL/Jumbo's new kit a few weeks ago...
Only the finest MSPaint design and font for the former Team Belkin...

And KL...keep your mouth closed about the double secret stuff you saw today. Remember, those places are also good spots to hide a body...

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