11 January 2009

Weekend Update

As you read in my last post, I took the week off, except for Thursday night. After I rode, I decided to break out the foam roller and give myself a little rub rub. I went after my back and legs for 45 minutes. I can tell you, it works. My back feels better, but my legs have been absolute shite since Thursday night. The roller helped release all of the junk hiding in my legs. I woke up Friday more sore than if I'd ridden 4 hours at tempo.
Saturday was no different. My legs were just not in the game. Stiff, sore and the right IT band felt like I'd been shanked in the exercise yard. Just bad news. I muttled through, but it required much more effort than it should.
Along came Sunday...
I woke feeling oddly good...not great, but waaaay better than Saturday. We headed out through the Semmes gate and headed off down Leesburg towrads Congress. Some residual stiffness quickly worked itself out and I was okay. We rode tempo, never needing to come out of the big ring. We lost a few folks along the way...
As soon as we turned, Coco flatted. The group gathered back up and soldiered on towards Chaingang. SoPro said she had to do an hour @ 180HR, which is nutty to me, but she hit the front and rolled it. From Chaingang to the end of Airbase, we took turns on the front, being wise to keep the pace within SoPro's workout zone. Coco and I would go to the front when she would start to struggle and allow SoPro to recover a bit, yet keep her HR high. It was a quick run down Airbase and it felt pretty good. Again, we lost people along the way...
We just spun in from that point. It was a good ride, good pace and a good group. The legs are feeling the week of inactivity, but the rest will do me good.
After the ride, I went to Doog's house and cut down a tree for him. It was a full day...

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