10 December 2008

Ahhh...the weather...

The weather is just plain wacky around here right now. I'm sure the tree-hugging, Love your Mother, do-gooders will blame global warming, and to be honest, I'm fine with that...! Go drive your hybrids and shut up!

Nothing says lovin' like riding, at night, in the pissy rain, in a SS jersey and shorts.
Doog and I did a very easy urban loop last night. Pretty much just spinning around and yapping at each other. My legs were shit after the weekend, so I just needed to get them going around and spin out some garbage...and I did just that.

The H.O. is sick, so I'm on the VitaminC, Zinc, stay the hell away from her program. I slept on the pull-out last night in an effort to separate my self from the Harbor Seal-like coughing/barking that was coming from the bedroom. I actually slept for once. It's funny, when I'm sick or the MTs are sick, she's up my ass, and their little asses, with advice and medicine, yet she'll just lay around, coughing, snotty and miserable. If you don't want to do anything to either hurry the illness along, or eradicate it altogether, keep how bad you feel to yourself!

I think I'm gonna stay off the bike until Saturday...
Saturday 9am @ the Gate
Sunday ?? as of now...I'm sure Il Prof will throw something together.

Oh, and the Palmetto Solo New Years ride is on again...
NYDR 2009

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