16 October 2008

Is it too late...?

I'm guessing, at this point in the process, it's too late to come up with another Presidential candidate. They both suck. One hasn't a clue and the other is a first rate panderer. I don't know which is scarier...the folks who think everything will magically turnaround if Obama is elected, or the ignorant, right wing crazies who think the course we're on is a good one. After watching the news, I'm beginning to think the right to vote should be restricted again. The amount of painfully stupid people in this country is astounding.
Personally, I think we should dump the whole lot of 'em in Washington and start over. Or, it could be like jury duty...
If you pass a written test and your IQ is over 100, you serve a term in Congress. Keep it fresh...
I'm willing to bet, with the number of old folks on The Hill, it smells like an old folks home. Moth balls, urine, hairspray and bad perfume from the drug store.

Well, in three weeks we'll know which side of the hill the poo is going to flow down. It makes no difference who is elected, really, since we're all at the bottom of the hill!

No ride for me tonight. The H.O. is in Indianapolis on business...a Latino Insurance Marketing seminar...whatever! All I know is that the 'Latinos' around here get insurance so they can get a license and then let it lapse. No sense marketing to folks who don't buy the product.

I'll see you guys for the weekend rides...


MW said...

Maybe she could sell Mula some insurance?

MM said...

For what? They don't sell 'crazy foreign chick' insurance...