13 May 2009


Last night was a beautiful evening. @75 degrees and a light wind blowing out of the East. Big group too...
The race started off at a reasonable pace, but after 15 minutes, the breaks started and the pace went UP. Nothing really got going until right around the 30 minute mark when Bond and Doog got away and stayed out for a LONG time. Bringing them back split the main field a couple of times and required some real work. They didn't return to the fold until 4 to go. Once they were back, things settled down until the last lap. Again, my own inattention led me to be in a shit position going into the final turn. Well, that, and guys who have no reason to be towards the front on the last lap. I still made up quite a few positions until Mulo guttered me @ 300 meters. Thanks team-mate. I still finished 8th and felt human for the first time since my digger.
Coco won pretty easily and PV put 6 in the top 10. The streak continues...
Going back to the guys who shouldn't be in the front...
If you missed the first 10/15/20 minuutes of the race, don't get involved. Stay in the back and roll around. Attacking and going off the front negates the work done by others who had the ability to show up on time.
If you have missed laps, don't get involved in the break/chase/front of the group. Nothing is worse than a lapped rider pulling back into the front and getting in the way when the pace goes up again. Example? The dumbass on the red Torelli who missed AT LEAST 6 laps last night, but always pulled into the top 10, only to create a gap when the pace ramped up. Oh, he couldn't handle his bike for shit either.
I also understand everyone's innate need to ride near the front, but don't rush the front when the pace slows down. Again, all this does is create gaps when the pace goes back up.
Believe me, I realize that I'm not the strongest guy out there and I accept that fact. I also know my limitations and practice what I preach. If any of what I said above offends any of you, maybe it should.

We're riding tempo tonight, if anyone cares to join us.


Unknown said...

glad u r coming back from the kissing the tarmac.
u doing AOMM?

MM said...

My want to do AOMM has passed, thankfully...