05 November 2008

The itch...

Yesterday afternoon, it was still drizzly and generally pretty shitty outside, but in the late afternoon, 'The Itch' became overwhelming. We were supposed to do a loop of the Fort, but my road bikes are clean, so the Salsa got the call up from the bullpen.
Doog was here @ 6 and we headed out through a light mist. We did a modified loop through USC and downtown, out North Main (throw up your gang signs now..., stack them if you wish) and down to the river trail. We did get harassed by a homie driving his grandmother's Caddy on North Main. Normally, I'd yell back, but at night, in that 'hood, that's a good way to get jacked or shot or both. I may start carrying my .25 on these rides...
The runner population on the trail was light, but the sheer stupidity of the runners that were out made up for it. Two runners do not need the entire 12 foot width of trail, period! And when you see superbright headlights coming your way, make an effort to share the trail. I know it's hard to deviate from your path when traveling a blistering 5 mph on your run, but damn...have some common sense!!!
We did pretty much all of the trails, on both sides of the river, looped through the inner part of Cayce and came back up through campus. The drizzle picked up at the end of the ride, but it still was barely strong enough to get the roads wet.
I ended with 1:45 on the cross bike...in the dark...in the wet. Yes, I'm harder than you!

As an aside, does anyone know the process to emigrate to New Zealand...it may be time to bug out of the U.S. !!

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