14 April 2014


Post-Roubaix hangover...

Here's the last 2.5 of British Eurosport coverage...in HD.  Thanks for nothing NBCSN!

Lots of action, and worth watching the whole thing.  Good show by John Murphy from UHC too!  In the break, but flatted in the Forest.
Or, just watch Cosmo...

One good ride this weekend, and one I wish I could take back...

Let's be clear.  Saturday sucked.  I'm glad I didn't bother to go to Camden for the metric.  Woke up feeling a general malaise, but figured that I'd ride out of it, like we've all done so many times.
Roxy and I met, and both felt like crap.  The 2+ hour ride was entirely more difficult, and less enjoyable than we'd both imagined it would be.  The company was good.  The ride itself...meh.
Then sat in the sun for an hour at #2's futbol match, followed by wandering around the little airshow that was being put on at Owens Field...another hour + on the tarmac.  Yeah...felt like CRAP for the rest of the day.
That being said, seeing a WW2 C-47 land and take off was pretty cool.  And the boys dug it, so I'll take my lumps.
Sunday was the opposite.  Sure, I woke up with a headache, and still felt like shit, but I actually DID feel better as the ride progressed.  A nice loop thru LR with Il Prof and Roxy, on some roads we haven't been on in YEARS.  Big sun in a big blue sky, and again, good company.
3.5 hours later, I was home, and feeling like a new man.  Well, maybe certified pre-owned...
 Just terrible out in the country...
 So much traffic...
And such unattractive, ill-tempered folks...

And not to sound ranty here, but people around here should NEVER complain about riding.  EVER.
The terrain that surrounds Columbia is a resource.  Sure, there are some roads that it's probably better to avoid, but for the most part, riding here is pretty fucking stellar.
It gives one anything they want.  You want to ride in the flats?  Go to LR.  You want hilly?  Go SW of Columbia, out in Lex/Cal.  Or go do a loop of the Lake.  Want to take a summary ass-kicking on pretty fabulous roads?  Go out to Blythewood and ride with JB and HB.
And yes, the loops are all easy to get to, and safer than 90% of rides you do in other Metro areas.
And there are roads around here that we've ridden that we've NEVER seen a car.  NEVER!
Ride and smile people...ride and smile.  See how Roxy is doing it?   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

See Mother of all that is Good and Pure.  I'm gonna need a moment...

And for a Monday, here's something positive, and uplifting to start your week...watch the whole thing...thank me later...

If this doesn't make one feel a range of emotions, and leave one with a smile and/or a warm fuzzy, then one should make an appointment with a cardiologist.

Have a good Monday.  I have small engine repair on the menu today.  Whooo Hoooo!

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