19 June 2011

Hey...I-95, this is what I think of you...

Jesu Christo...
A trip that should take @ 9 hours, if everything lines up, took 11 hours yesterday. We, and I say we because everyone on I-95 thru DC yesterday was in the same suck-u-ation, sat in traffic south of DC for 90 full minutes. I turned the truck off for 23 minutes at one point. Yeah, I timed it...nothing much else to do at that point.
It's morbid, and a bit twisted, but I really expected an accident of epic proportions to be the cause of the back-up, but NOOOOOOOO, there was nothing, other than poor traffic engineering.

Once it opened up, I would have gone hammer down, but the truck isn't very happy over 80, AND the bikes were on the back, so I set the cruise at 77 and let it roll until the low fuel light came on. After a fuel stop, for both the truck and me, I pointed it into the wind and headed home. A positive? The restaurant in the truck stop was a Five Guys...

The final cockpunch? I-20 in Camden, no more than 30 minutes from home, I hit the leading edge of the storm and ate huge rain drops, hail, and horrifying crosswinds.

Next time, if I take the bikes, I'm going 77 to 81, through the mountains...

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