22 December 2010


Who says the altitude training systems are worth it? Robbie McEwen's mates, that's who!!! Hero!

Speaking of McEwen, poor bastard can't catch a break. First, Pegasus goes under due to the lack of sponsor dollars, then he is rumored to be going to RadioSmack. Others are jumping ship to wherever they can.
I guess this means killing a bear with a pen knife is going to be included in SpiderTech's training camp...

QuickStep's 2011 kits...yawn...

And there's been a large disturbance in the Force here in Columbia. Not saying what it is, as it was likely told to me in confidence, but if it comes to fruition, you'll shit...

As for your author, I did a solid 2 hours on the CX bike this morning. I tried to search out something that looked interesting on Google Maps, but it ended up being a bust. Still did the tried and true West Cola loop. About halfway back in on Old State, I was greeted by a pack of stray dogs. They seemed to have a loose hierarchy, as the big dogs ran into the woods, and the 12 pound punter is the one who chased me. He was either the leader, or going through initiation.

Now to the ManHole(tm) to pull the BB out of the Salsa...again. The thing goes along fine for about 4 weeks, then starts creaking and moaning. At least it keeps my skills up...


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