13 November 2007


Another night on the stairs...
8x20 stadium hops (that's right...160 hops)
8 sets running the steps...for form, not speed
Next week is 10 each...and will be there until January 1st. Every Tuesday night...
Il Professore says is masochistic, and he's right, but it pays dividends in the spring...

Did some much needed maintenance on the Salsa last night. The chain popped like an old prostitute's hip on the night ride last Thursday. I figured it was better to install a new chain than be stuck somewhere in the ghetto, in the dark, in lycra, pushing a $3000 bike! When I broke the old chain, I noticed that the rear derailleur had some serious character. I guess it got it's modified shape last Winter, on a night ride. My brother and I were WAY out and I got a large stick caught in the derailleur and it pretty much turned around on itself. Removal of the stick led to the thing flipping right back around and working properly for the remainder of the ride...and the last 8 months. That's why you put a MTB rear derailleur on a cross bike. A road unit would have never survived.

I cleaned everything, installed a new Mavic/Wipperman chain and it shifts perfectly, so I guess there's really no reason to mess with it. Of course, the damn thing will probably break off and leave me in the aforementioned ghetto one of these nights...

TVH and Il Professore both got their new Colnago bikes yesterday. I guess it's Mandrus' turn to upgrade his rig...! Seems like everyone is getting new bikes this winter. I'll be putting Il Professore's together this weekend, as he is going to Montreal. If you gotta go to Canada, at least go to English speaking Canada...jeez!

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