04 November 2007

100 miles and 3200kj

That was my weekend of riding.
Saturday met us with lower temps. I refuse to say it was cold, because it just wasn't. We had a smaller turnout than usual, likely because of the mid-40s temp at start time. I guess some folks will stay inside when it's 38 and overcast this winter...
Those of us who rolled out of bed and braved the horribly frigid temps had a perfectly lovely ride through Lower Richland, down into Eastover, out to the Cricket Store and back the normal way. The wind decided it wanted to meet us when we made the turn at the store though. It wasn't a brutal headwind by any stretch, but made the ride more interesting.
I ended up with 100km at an average of right at 30kmh and clicked off 2000kj. I must have been on the front a lot during the ride, because that number is about 200kj more than I've ever produced on that loop, including some of the hard rides out through there. Il Professore made it the entire ride without breaking any parts...HOORAY. He did, however, bring his Dean SS over for me to look at the stem. The faceplate wouldn't tighten down on the bars. The reason? FSA stuff sucks...that's the reason. The threading for all four screws had been tapped incorrectly. Amazing...!
Then we hacked at his shoe for 20 minutes to change a cleat. I love using large, powerful, high rpm power tools on expensive bike parts!
We are also starting a betting line on what part he'll break next...
Crankset - 7/1
Handlebars - 10/1
Front wheel - 14/1

Doogie, NID and I met this morning @ 9. It was a bone-chilling 44 degrees when I left la casa.
We went out through the Fort and meandered around in Lower Richland for about 2:15. Another perfect day of riding. Very little wind, very few cars, and a great loop. 65km and 1200kj for the day.
I came home and immediately went to work in the yard, getting a jump on the infernal leaves. I'll be doing leaves from now until after Christmas. The big trees in my yard are great in the summer, but are the bane of my existence come fall and winter.
Doogie and I stopped by Crusty's later in the day and he picked up some Reynolds wheels. Crusty's lady is moving in with him, so the house actually looks presentable. It was a bit cave-like before...kind of dark and dank...

All in all, it was a good weekend.

We'll be riding Thursday night, with lights, on the Fort if anyone is interested.

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