24 April 2007

Round 7

Holy crap! The seventh installment of the Tuesday Worlds was QUICK! I had a 27 mph average and I am the official timekeeper, so my computer is probably dead on.
PMC has decided that the neutral lap has worn out it's welcome, so it was go time from the gun. The initial break was quickly reeled in and several little attacks were thrown, but nothing had a chance tonight. There were just too many horses in attendance. There was very little filler out there tonight, and what was there quickly got shuffled out the back.
The first 15 minutes were balls-out. Thankfully, a semi pulled across the road between turns one and two and forced the entire group to slow to a crawl. I owe that dude some cash. Several folks said that it couldn't have come at a more opportune time.
The remaining 35 minutes seemed to drag on and on. It was possibly the longest 57 minutes ever. Most of the folks who are 'cornering challenged' were absent, save for the tri-dork with the tricep implants. That dude is downright scary in the turns. Handling and triathletes are not terms one usually uses in the same sentence.
It came down to a big, hairy dragrace. Jay Charles ended up taking it by about 4 inches. He should though, he's a flipping 2.
I felt pretty good considering I am sharing a room with a 4 day old baby. Riding at a high level and sleep deprivation are not good bedfellows. I closed a couple gaps at well over 30mph and felt a bit of form trying to return. Of course, that form is going to be shot in the ass with two kids under two in the house. Looks like I'll be concentrating on cyclocross this winter.
I'm going to try to make the ride on Thursday, but we'll see...

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