15 February 2009

Shoulda known...(the Voice)

Saturday, I awoke to rain and a generally shitty day. I wasn't in the correct mindset to go out and get wet, dirty and cold. I opted for a far, far worse choice...the trainer. The plan was to do about 45 minutes or so, elevate the HR, get a good sweat and get off.
I decided that I really wasn't minding the drudgery, so I started doing intervals.
I started with a 20 minute SST pull @ 170-ish HR. I spun for 10 minutes and then had the brilliant idea to do another one. 20 more minutes passed at 175-ish...
Things were going along swimmingly in my little cool down, so I said to myself, "Self, you should keep going..."! Sometimes I listen and sometimes I ignore it!
I did 2 minutes on and 1 minute off, starting in the 53/17. Each successive two minutes meant a shift DOWN the cogset...all the way to the 12. Two sets of these @ 180-190 HR made me feel more than a bit sick.
Voice-1 Big Dumbass me-0
The H.O. and I go to dinner. I was still felling a bit iffy, so I thought, "get something safe, like the chicken..."! Again, I did not heed the call and ordered a heaping bowl of pasta drenched in some amalgamation of different cheeses. Felt bad eating it...felt bad when I got home...felt bad lying in bed!
Voice-2 Big Dumbass-0
Sunday met me with a sunny sky and a big feeling of malaise. My stomach was, and still is, turning inward. Instead of listening to the voice and A) staying my happy ass in the house or B)riding by myself, I chose C) go out with the group. We rolled out easy, turned on Percival and the pace shot up. I did all I could until the first bump on Screaming Eagle. My legs were heavy...my HR was just all over the place...and my stomach, well, let's say he was beyond the planning stages of a Coup d'Etat. I sat up and said ENOUGH!
Reed and I traded pulls all the way back to the Fort and I spun home slowly after we parted company.
For those keeping score at home...
Voice-3 Big Dumbass-0
Yep, I got blanked this weekend. As I sit here and type this, I'm fighting the urge to put my head down and go to sleep on the desk. I feel like complete CRAP! And the MTs will be home anytime...GREAT!!!!

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