02 February 2009

Happy Monday

Saturday- 90 km w/group...didn't make the RoP, as I had other obligations in the afternoon that required my attendance. Felt like crap on the bike, but still spent 80%+ of the ride on the sharp end. My grandmother ripped (literally!) her knee open to the bone last week and had orthopaedic surgery to fix the damage. I can tell you with a large degree of certainty that it is not something to look at before eating lasagna! I needed to go see her though...
Sunday- 100 km w/group. Felt much better, but tired. The pace was quicker than last week, but still subdued. I tried to spend as much time as possible on the front. It was a good ride that brought out faces not seen for a long while. Granted, most of them turned off and went home early, but at least they were out. Are you listening Meat?
As an aside, if you deem it beneath your 'training' to show up for the weekend rides, don't talk about them! Show up or shut up!
Came home and took the MTs outside to play before the SuperBowl started. I'm an old-school Steelers fan, so I'm as happy as a schoolgirl today. I did give my 1975 Steelers SuperBowl Champion can of Iron City Beer a rub before the game though, just for luck. Thankfully, it was a good game, regardless of the outcome.
I will say though, I was horribly disappointed by a few things.
Is it so hard to just SING the national anthem? I mean really! Jennifer Hudson, as talented as she may or may not be, butchered the song. I feel fairly certain that Francis Scott Key didn't sit @ Fort McHenry, watching the Battle of Baltimore, and write it as an R&B song!
And Bruce Springsteen...oy vey...! Could you suck any harder? It's proof that people just don't know music. The only highlight was seeing Silvio from the 'Sopranos' on guitar.
And Matt Millen as an expert commentator? Isn't he the guy the "lead" the Detriot Lions into the hole in which they currently reside? The Lions have had the worst 8 year run in NFL history!!! Yep, he's one to listen to...!
These things notwithstanding, it was a great game...physical, chippy, big plays and a great finish! The commercials were great. I really want a Hyundai Genesis Coupe now, so I guess the marketing worked!
Next Saturday is the Palmetto Velo team ride. Everyone is welcome. 100km through Calhoun County. 10am SHARP from Cycle Center. It's group ride, not a race. Read the RULES!


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