04 February 2009


HoP last night. Nothing exciting to report, other than another 20 minute effort at threshold on the cross bike. Oh, and I got chased by some asshole in car, through Cottontown. While I may not be a pro in terms of power or lung capacity, I do have superior handling skills on a bike.
He pulled out in front of me (I had the right of way), so I gave him a hearty 'Hello Neighbor' (haha) and a single finger salute. He, in turn, decided to make the effort to come after me. Well, it didn't work out to well for him. I bunnyhopped two traffic islands, a curb, rode through a front yard, down some steps...and was GONE!
I channeled Fabian Cancellara all the way into the park. I was feeling okay, so the effort got turned down a small bit, but was still enough to really start to sting after the 15' point. The last 5 minutes sucked. Headwind, gravel, fat tires...

Serfas followup...
The brake pads are actually getting BETTER as they have worn in. They will stop you RIGHT NOW, if need be! And they are whisper quiet, even on the old, borderline worn out Ksyriums on the Salsa.
The bibs that JT sent me have become the de facto night ride shorts. The gel pad takes the shock out of hitting the holes that the lights sometimes miss. And yes, it happens that way, usually every ride...

I'll do a review of the Hudz and Kenda Small Block 8 tires next time around...

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