23 May 2008


I went out with the group last night and actually felt okay. I'm completely not fit right now and likely won't be for a long while, but the action of riding a bicycle was a pleasant one. No pain, pulling or the like. I didn't feel bad when I woke up this morning either. I guess the slight position change actually worked. It feels weird not to be stretched out, but if my back gets better, I'll ride it like that. Crusty said once you turn 35, you can ride whatever/however you want...so I got that going for me.
The ride was normal out of the Fort and proceeded to speed up once on Ridge. When we got to the end, the group turned left and I went right and rode down into the flats alone. It was a nice night and I was on the bike...everything was good. Well, my mp3 player took a dump about 5 minutes after I split from the group, so I rode alone with my thoughts. That thing eats some AAA batteries.
It was obviously dumbass cager night as well. I got passed, not once, but twice, coming to stop signs, only for the idiot drivers (both women, fwiw) to turn in front of me. Hey dumbfucks, I have the right of way. You wouldn't pass another car AT a stop sign and then turn in front of it!
Thankfully, I got home in one piece, saw the management trainees off the bed, ate a homemade blueberry waffle and crawled into bed to watch TV.
My week of PEACE starts tomorrow. See you folks in the a.m.!

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