16 January 2014

Looking California...feeling Minnesota...

So yeah, the sun is out.  The sky is big and blue.  Looks pretty brilliant.  It's 40 degrees. 
Hey, I'm cool with it.  I'll ride in whatever. 
Could be in Wisconsin...

I know people up there ride in that shit, but HELL no.  Maybe once in while...for the novelty of it, but Not on the regular.  And I'm not buying one of those stupid fat bikes...
Spend the money on some E-Motion rollers, a computrainer, and a flat screen.  Build your own Hurt Locker in the basement...

Fun ride Tuesday night.  Just sort of rolled around.  2.5 hours of rolling around beats riding the trainer...every time...regardless.  Larger group than expected too.  Pretty much the core bunch, but that was cool with everyone involved...
Got to ride in shorts too.  Sure, some Mad Alchemy Embro was involved, but riding in shorts, on a January night, just doesn't suck.
Probably be forced to wear knickers tonight, as it's not going to be 60 when I leave...dammit!

Speaking of what to wear...
Yeah...people on Instagram and Twitter were giving Marcel Kittel stick for rocking a sleeveless jersey.  It's 115 degrees in Australia, and he's Marcel F'ing Kittel.  He can wear whatever he likes...

And folks were in FULL whinge mode about this kit.  Yeah, it's a women's team in Europe.  One "fan" remarked on Twitter that the kit "...was insulting to those women athletes...".  Oh shut the fuck up with your feminist ranting BS.  Be happy that there's a NEW women's team on the block.  A team that hired not only racers, but support staff as well.  That's a lot of jobs...and she's upset by a pink, flowery team kit? 
I know the person who is "upset", and she'd probably bitch that a brick of gold was too heavy to carry...or eat...
Again, it's marketing.  If you don't like it, cool, but you're talking about it, so it has already done it's job! 
And let's be honest, it's better than this...
Flowery, happy pink, or dookie brown?  I know which I'd pick...

And I know I give Cav a hearty ration of crap, but this picture is pretty good stuff.  Cav and the fam...OK with me...


The Swobo Tour will be pulling into Columbia on Wednesday, January 22nd @ 6pm.  Come on up to The Cock and Bull on Rosewood. 
El Jefe de Swobo will have test bikes to ride, likely some beer on tap, and a whole lot of fun. 
And ride your bike there if you can...
And El Jefe named the Van..."Halen"...get it?  Yeah...too easy.  I'm still partial to my entry...
"Jean Claude Damn Van"

I think that was it for today...if not, it just wasn't that important...not that any of this other stuff was...

Blue skies...go outside and get some Sun on your face...

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