15 July 2013


 Yeah...Froome is clean...as a whistle...
Need I mention that yesterday was the LONGEST stage leading up to the ascent of Mt. Ventoux of any listed? 
And Lemond is defending it...

Ah Peter, just keep doing what you do...
"Peloton catching me on climb.  I just wheelie it out..."

 I'm deathly allergic to cats, and to be honest, don't really care for them, but this guy's stache could probably change my tune!

I DO need a new townie bike...

And whoever said, "No white shorts", obviously did not have all available information...

Moving on...

So Saturday, I awoke so early that the rooster told me, "Dude, it's early, go back to bed...".  No luck.  I shuffled quietly around the house from 0500, until @ 0730, and said F it.  I got dressed, grabbed the CX bike, and left.  Here's where our story begins...
Upon grabbing the bike out of Service Course, I spied my mini-pump, and toyed with the idea of taking it along. 
"Nah, more shit to carry...I won't need it..." rattled thru my empty head.
Off I went, into the muddy and flooded off-road sections of Lexington County. 

Upon making my loop around, I ran into this.  Definitely not passable...so I turned around, and improvised. 
I may, or may not, have poached some "private" property to get back to the other side of this flood.  I'm guessing the Gods of Cycling saw this transgression, and smote me in a way that would get the message across.
Upon bombing this "area" I shellaced a hole, and pinch flatted my front tire.  No worries.  Quick stop, quicker change, back on my way...right...?  Bzzzzt!  Still my turn!
Everything go swapped out in record time, but my CO2 adapter was bad.  No CO2 for you!  Remember my thought about the mini-pump earlier?  Yeah, I did too...at that moment...
Time to start walking out, and calling The Boss.  After 5 calls, and 15 minutes of walking, Plan "B" went into effect.  I ran through who was where, who was riding, and who would actually drive out to to get me.  Fortunately, Il Prof was at home, and was gracious enough to fly out of the house, and facilitate my egress.
All told, I rode for about 90 minutes...walked for about 35 minutes...and sat on the side of 12th. St. like a lycra-clad dope for about 10. 

And walking in carbon-soled MTB shoes is no bueno.  My feet, and ankles are SORE.  Better today, but it made Sunday's 3+ hours a little less enjoyable!!

Sunday we left with the largest Sunday group in recent memory.  It got paired down along the way with folks turning off, and the pace going ballistic at the end.
And I apologize for my crabbiness over the first half of the ride.  My feet/legs hurt from Saturday's stroll thru the woods, and I just didn't feel very well.  No excuse, but I'm sorry nonetheless...
We had a great ride out through God's country.  It rained off and on, and the roads were wet and slick, but it was still a good time.
I ended up with right at 100km, and felt way better after I got back to SC than I did upon leaving.
And that's the whole purpose, isn't it? 
Upon return, the weather cleared, so I loaded up #1 and #2, and took them to ride again.  The Boss and I walked about 3 miles, while they rode and raced each other for the better part of an hour.  And they discovered the joy that is riding your bike through a mud hole. 
Ah, to be a little kid again.  Hell, who am I kidding, I still ride my bike through mudholes...

Ok...get your week started...

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