11 July 2013

Enough already...

This southerly flow has to stop.
Sure, we rode in it last week, but damn, I don't have enough bike wipes to clean the bikes after EVERY ride.
Rain is expected AGAIN this evening, but I'm going out anyway.  The CX bike has been returned to CX/dirt/rain/whatever duty, so it'll probably get wet tonight.

One could make an argument for getting up, and on the bike early, but the only thing I like to do at 0530 is sleep, so the odds of that happened are slim.  Anorexic actually...

Tour commentary...

After Cav's obvious hook on Veelers, and his hissy fit with a reporter, it seems he's gotten himself on the "we don't like you much" list in France. 
During the TT yesterday, someone sprayed him with a bottle of urine. 
Sorry, but that's out of bounds.
I don't like Cav much either, but spraying him with a bottle of musty pee goes beyond a simple dislike, and borders on assault. 
Of course, the "experts" when insane of the Twitters yesterday.  And by "experts" I mean the folks who have watched the tour since 2009, yet know all of the intricacies of bicycle racing, and cycling in general.
For reference, the riders have ALWAYS had things thrown at them.  Spit, liquor, water, fists.  Piss is something new for me though...
Oh, and don't the episode ten or so years ago when Oscar Friere and Julian Dean were shot by a pellet gun.  Puts the pee-pee spray in perspective, huh? 
And as much as people hold Lance with much the same vitriol as a deposed Dictator, he never deserved the amount of spit launched at him during his seven wins*
It's par for the course when fans, and douchebags alike, have such easy, and close access to the rider. 
It's happened for 100 years, and it'll happen for 100 more, unless they figure out a way to full enclose 100-150 miles of French roads...daily...for three weeks in July.
Part of the beauty, and spectacle, of Le Tour is the human contact.  It's just sad that a few very small people take the time to search out their spot along the stage to act like asshats.

Sometimes, the asshats get theirs back...

Speaking of...this is a very cool, and very well done video that condenses the 100 year history of Le Tour into about 10 minutes.  Watch it...thank me later...

100 years of Le Tour

Some pictures to ruin your productivity...

Tony Martin touched 90kmh a few times yesterday.  Ripping...

This is Tony Martin's back! Yeooouuch!
 I make no effort to EVER compare myself to a pro, but I HAVE had road rash on my back like this, and I can tell you, it's not fun.  Once it scabs up, it's HORRIBLE.  Any movement pulls the scabs, and the surrounding skin.  It seeps, and bleeds with alarming frequency.  And forget anything resembling restful sleep. 
I'm not even going to mention showering, as the embedded memory is causing my back to tingle...
Good on Tony Martin for racing with a large percentage of his back skin still on the road.

 This picture wins the internet...

Ignore Cuddles.  Pay attention to THE SHOES!!  Must have....

PBS found the right design for their new skinsuits...

And I know this isn't strictly bike related, by it's my page, so I do what I want.  A VW single cab, with a Porsche powered Formula Vee?  Who do I kill, and when do they need killin'?

Okay...time to get the day started.  Oh, who am I kidding?  Time to move to the couch, and the 55 to watch the Tour...

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