06 June 2007


Isn't riding a funny thing? Last Thursday, I went out with the group, only to turn and ride a loop of the Fort alone. I felt really good. Good legs, good heart and lungs...

Yesterday, I went out early in the A.M. to do the same loop. I had no plans to make any efforts or to even go all that hard. I just wanted to ride my bike. My legs felt iffy, my HR was all over the place and my back felt kind of twingy. I just rode at the pace I felt was comfortable. Granted, it was pretty windy on the Fort yesterday, but not enough to ride poorly. The big kicker in this whole thing is the fact that my ride times for Thursday and Saturday were with 90 seconds of one another. I guess the difference between super and shitty can actually be measured in increments.

I'm going out tomorrow night and make the effort to stay with the group. It should be interesting at best.

The H.O. is gone with #2 this morning and #1 is at pre-school. The house is QUIET. I have some yardwork to do, but it can wait until this afternoon. That way, I can take #1 outside and keep him occupied for a while.

He seems to really dig going to pre-school. This morning was his 3rd day and he just walked in like he owned the place. He's the youngest in the class and there is only one kid bigger than him. I think it'll be good for him to be around other kids. I know it's good for my sanity.

Check out the TRS (Toddler Retrieval System)-

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