05 July 2016

All good...then not...

Rides have been getting better. Fitness is coming back.
Felt good Thursday. It was a weird ride, but I got mine. The skies looked threatening, and we got a little wet, but the group stay together, until it didn't...
Splits on Gator. Splits on the run in.
No matter. The new retiree, Julie & Rox rolled in with me, ahead of the dozen or so that stopped for a flat.
Nice ride Saturday. Faster than usual, but felt good. Just rolled it over on a tour of LR. Man, Old Bluff is NICE. Smoooooove...
Well, it's nice, except for the fact that SCDOT decided to grind the drunk strips into the shoulders.
It did get hot at the end, but the fact that I drank 120oz in the 3.5 hours seemed to work.
TVH had more issues with his Boras. After the 8th flat on them since installation, he'd had enough. New tires and tubes went on after the ride.
He threatened to give them back to the shop, and just ride his Boyds. We all knew this was a hollow threat.
The Heathens rolled out Sunday for a short loop, as The 4th of July ride was on the horizon...
We rolled, slowly, and it got HOT quickly. 80oz. of fluid in 2 hours HOT. Felt fine after...
Ate and drank thoughout the day, then the shit hit the fan...
We went to the LexCo Branch for dinner and 4th of July festivities. Yeah, it was the 3rd, so what?
My mother cooked a HUGE dinner. It was all good, and supposedly GF.
(PSSSST...it wasn't...)
The GF cornbread wasn't GF, and I was glutened. I started feeling like crap about 30 minutes after eating.
We went to see the fireworks. I was going downhill fast...
Once home...I went to bed...
0500 brought cramping, and me curling up into a little ball.
Emails were sent. There would be no 4th of July 110km for the kid.
I slept until 0900. Yeah...LATE!
Felt like hammered shit ALL day. The bathroom and I spent much quality time together. I tried to go to the pool with Junior Management, but had to tap out. The heat made me feel even worse.
Finally had enough @ 2100, and called it a night. Slept 11 hours.
Things are on the upswing today, but not close to normal. Maybe by Thursday or so....
And FYI, if you think that folks that eat a gluten-free diet are simply jumping on a bandwagon, please feel free to fuck off. I have Celiac Disease. Google it.
Sure, some ARE bandwagon jumpers. For others, it's a serious health concern. It's also a HUGE pain in the ass, literally AND figuratively.
Getting "glutened" is not a good time. People react in different ways. I get HORRIBLE stomach issues, and a feeling of malaise that makes a hangover seem like a lottery win.
If you can eat and drink whatever you like, consider yourself lucky. A lot of folks cannot...

"Eh, hello God...
I'm pray today for others racer who make try for to beats me. Please for to watches overs them, for theys knows not what theys dos...Amen.
Yours friend, Eddy"
Yeah...I bought Mega Millions tickets. Yeah, this ^^^^ will be one of the very first things I buy...

I DID get down to Service Course for a bit yesterday though, between bouts of curling up on the AC vent.
New tape on the Noah, as the old Bontrager stuff smelled like __________ (insert your stank of choice).
Also pulled the 7800 of the CX bike to make way for the 7900.
In pulling the levers, I became acutely aware that the bars were done. My sweat had eaten an appreciable amount of material away. New bars for me! YAAAAY.
Problem is that I had no correct bars in stock. I put on some PRO "deep" bars, but they're just not right, and it seems that no one in the US sells DEDA deep bars.
I bought some Zero 100 deeps from Wiggle, so it looks like the CX bike is gonna be down for a couple of weeks. Dammit...
Probably for the best, as it's supposed to be a bit warm for the next 5 or 7 days. 100+. No thanks. Not built for that shit...
When does Fall start?

Happy Tuesday. Take a lesson from the dog, and fins a cool spot on the floor...

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